Monday, April 20, 2015

Tea With Mina

Spring showers bring May flowers.
And we have had the April showers -- big time!
Along with the showers, that means humidity and when the sun comes out
It gets pretty steamy.

So, it's time to make ice tea!
I made a pot of tea using regular old Lipton teabags.
I sometimes will toss in a flavored tea of some kind just to make it a little bit different.
I don't sugar my tea.

I had a nice cup of hot tea before I put the tea into the icebox.
I used my new to me teacup I found at The Guild Shop.
I was with my good friend and one of my sister's by choice, Marilyn.
When I found this cup I knew it was meant to be -- it is called Marilyn!

Tea Time with Mina

I often get help when I get ready for tea.
Mina decided to help today.
She was interested in the Lipton tea
but not the sugar cookies!

Tea Time

My new teacup is quickly becoming a favorite.
It is the "Marilyn" pattern by Queen Anne.
I love the wide, lacey looking, aqua band.
The gold trim is perfect.
Footed cup and a tabbed handle.
And who wouldn't love the snowdrops?!
A perfect teacup to celebrate spring.

Queen Anne Teacup

Wishing YOU well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea!

I'm joining several tea parties.
A big thank you to the hosts.


  1. It's so pretty, Snap. And of course, so is Mina. :)

  2. Good Morning, your teacup is so pretty. I love the design and flowers..And Mina is a cute helper.. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  3. I love everything about your photos - the flowers, the doily, the cookies, the tea cup, and of course, Mina!

  4. Love your new teacup! Just beautiful! Mina is like my Tinker...he wants to see what's in the cup...we call him our quality control inspector! Cute cookies too! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  5. What pretty cookies! And I bet Mina takes cream in her tea, doesn't she? Or does she just skip the tea?

  6. How lovely. I must guard my Lipton, from my cat too.

  7. You take such amazing photos! Your Queen Anne has such a gorgeous shape. My favorite teacups have designs inside the cup like yours. I've never seen that pattern before. Even Mina is interested in it. She's a bit more careful than my lab. His wagging tail is a danger to all teacups on tables.
    Enjoy your iced tea! (I have to say Lipton iced tea reminds me of my childhood and my first tastes of tea. I still enjoy it on hot summer days and I don't sweeten mine either.)

  8. What a great find! Love the colors. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Martha

  9. That is such a gorgeous teacup, Snap. What a lucky find with your friend, Marilyn. Your setting is so pretty with your bouquet and your helper!

  10. What a beautiful teacup! Love the aqua colour!

  11. That tea cup is LOVELY. I haven't seen it before. I make iced tea all year long. It is what my husband drinks every day for lunch... I make it using Constant Comment tea. I keep a jug of it in the refrigerator for him.

  12. A pretty teacup and delicious looking cookies to have with your tea. I have to be careful where I set my tea down, the dog likes to drink it.

  13. You are so right, that Marilyn is a pretty set, very dainty.


  14. So delighted to have the chance to sneak away for teatime this week! I do love a good teacup find--and yours is a treasure! Love the color--very retro--and I like when they give the cups people's names. I have two named after my daughter from different companies. Looking for one with my name and spelling of it. Kitties at teatime are always welcome.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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