Thursday, April 16, 2015

Liberate Your Art 2015

Liberate Your Art 2015 has come to a close.
The official postcard swap is over.
It was a lot of fun this year and now
It's time for the annual blog hop to see all the wonderful postcards.

The FaceBook group was very active and a lot of fun ... still is!
What a bunch of talented generous folks!

A big thank you to Kat Sloma and her helpers for putting this swap together each year.

Now, for the "official" postcards that I received:

Collage of LYA 2015 Postcards

The Eye by April Rocco. April lives in Cocoa, Florida.
The second card is a view of Notre Dame Cathedral from the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris. The photograph by Deanie Houghtaling.

post card collage

Kat asked us to photograph our cards around our house and that's what you see with cards number three and four.
The beautiful shore scene is by Darlene Cunnup.
"There is never one sunrise the same or one sunset the same." ~ Carlos Santana

"Just Dandy" is by Kelly Warren at Happy Shack Designs.

Postcard Collage

Postcard number 5 is photographed on my "crafty/arty" table. It is from Sharon in New Zealand. I believe it is the Maori design for the seahorse. Cool!

And last, but not least, is "Imminent Downfall" by Kat Sloma at Kat Eye Studio.

Fairies to Dance

Leave room in the garden for the fairies to dance is the postcard I sent during the swap.
I hope everyone enjoyed the plumeria blooming in my garden and could see the fairies!

And then there were the side swaps.

Postcard Swap

They are all beautiful.
How did so many of them know I love birds???!!!

Thank you, Sheila Delgado, Siobhan Wolf, Marsha Leith, Sherry Harmes, Terry Owenby, Michelle Matucheski and Kat van Rooyen. Many hugs to all of you.

This was my third year to participate and Liberate Your Art just gets better and better with each year. So much fun to dash to the post to see what treasure has arrived. So much fun to "meet" new folks and make new connections. So much fun to have the video return! I'm already looking forward to 2016!

Thanks again to Kat for another wonderful year.
See you in 2016!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Another great year of Liberating Our Art! Thanks for participating, and doing the extra side-swap with me. Here's to the Creative Life--and sharing it!--Michele at Sweet Leaf Notebook

  2. How fun are those. Now to save them in a little book to savor over and over. xox

  3. So happy to see the lovely postcards you received. The swap is always such great fun. This was my 3rd year too! Take care and see you next time!

  4. This was my third year too. Looking forward to the next one. Fun cards you received and sweet one that you sent out. Oh, your fur babies are adorable!

  5. beautiful cards Snap! Look forward to trading with you next year!

  6. It seems you had a lot of fun too !
    I really love your "Leave place for fairies" postcard...

  7. So many beautiful postcards. I love the plumeria especially. I once bought a stem while at the Philadelphia flower show but I just couldn't get it to grow.

  8. all so beautiful. feeling inspired.

  9. this sounds like so much fun and beautiful postcards you have shared.
    Have a great weekend ahead and thank you so much for stopping by my blog earlier this week.

  10. Cool cards all round!!!

  11. What fabulous photos you've received, Snap. I love the eye; it's amazing, and the view of Notre Dame like I've never seen it before. Your own card was of course delightful too. Wishing you all the best for the weekend, Bonny

  12. Lovely to see so many beautiful postcards. You've displayed them so artfully too.
    This was my first year participating.
    Happy beginning of the weekend.

  13. Beautiful works...Happy LYA 2015!

  14. Lovely post and gorgeous postcards ! This was my first year and it was great fun !

  15. Thanks so much for swapping with me Snap, love love love your plumeria! have my hand in the air, to swap again next year! ha ha

  16. This was my first year as well, I am officially addicted..
    What a fun experience! I didn't know or think about side swaps, but would be very interested :-)

  17. First year for me, and definitely not the last! Thanks for sending some of your fairies my way!

  18. Hello! Hopping by, enjoying others' offerings, collections, and how they display! This was my 1st year, and I blame my jitters for forgetting to put my email on what I sent into the world. Trying to see where they might've landed, hoping they may've given a smile or little joy. Thank you for sharing, and wishing you a creative, art-full year!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.