Thursday, January 22, 2015

When The Red Red Robin

On the first day that the sun made it's reappearance,
after 8 days hiding away in the clouds,
this fellow appeared at the bird bath.
I think he was as happy as I was about the sun's return.

mr. robin

"My favorite weather is bird chirping weather."
~Loire Hartwould


Animal Sprit Guide
The Robin

If a Robin shows up, it means:
it’s time to let go of anything in your life that’s outmoded and stagnant and plant the seeds for the new by setting your goals and intentions for the coming year. 
Let go of your attachments to drama and allow as much joy and laughter into your life as you possibly can. 
Your spiritual path is steady and slow, with challenges along the way, yet it inevitably leads you to your achieving your spiritual ideas. 
You have a beautiful song inside you, so do whatever it takes to share it with the world. Expect new growth in a number of areas in your world. 
Make a wish, be patient, and watch how it comes true.

From the Handbook: Animal Spirit Guides by Steven D. Farmer

Little by Little
Thanks, Kim!

Thanks to Karen for hosting Sun Lit Sunday.

Wishing YOU well, much joy, and beautiful songs.


  1. Love the editing on the photo of the robin, an awesome vintage look.
    Interesting folklore, it's always gratifying to spot the first robin to return in spring.

  2. Saw a flock the other day, guess I got some baggage to dispose of huh! Nice shot my friend. Robin's are such a happy presence. xox

  3. Love this! And the Robin guide is wonderful. We haven't seen any yet, maybe 3-4 weeks, usually around Valentine's Day.

  4. Oh I love the photos - and the information - a perfect spirit bird for spring. We have many many robins that nest in our area in the summer. They are first to sing in the morning and last to sing at night - such beautiful, magical summer music.

  5. We too have had a week of gorgeous weather after a week of gray filled skies. Really like the first version of the robin.

  6. We have a few Cape Robin Chats that are permanent residents in our garden. Not sure what that means! Lovely photos!

  7. Robins are a sure sign of better days to come... at least spring days.

  8. Wow! That's beautiful, and very good advice.

  9. I enjoyed the few days of gorgeous weather we had as an opportunity to get out and enjoy the birds - including the robins. They were singing everywhere in my neighborhood this week, a most welcome sound.

  10. Hey, that's really neat!

    Funny, this is the very first winter that I have ever seen robins STAY- they are warmth loving birds and always always always fly south for the winter - but didn't this year.

    They had called for a long and nasty winter but it hasn't been at ALL yet. (and I adore winter so am somewhat disappointed in not enough snowy weather.) But, well, it isn't over by a long shot, so there's that, haha.

    Thanks for the info, really neat to learn that. : - ) It's wise counsel.

  11. He would be most welcome in my garden, but alas it's still too cold.

  12. Love your photo editing! Frame-able art :) I snapped some pics of robins filling my yard these past few days because it is so unusual to see them in cold winter temps. You may have inspired me to play with the pics in Picmonkey :)

  13. I love the spirit guide quote pertaining to the robin - unfortunately, I won't be seeing any for quite awhile! Your robin portrait is wonderful.

  14. Love the quote..and would love to jump ahead to spring to see the robins. Alas..I am afraid we still have the worst of winter to get through here.

  15. Too soon to see robins here in my yard...yet. But I look forward to their return.

  16. A fascinating post; the images you created are really beautiful.
    We see Robins very seldom, but I will keep those ideas in mind in any case! :)

  17. This bird is my favorite. Your photos are very interesting. Regards.

  18. When I was a girl robins didn't show up in our area till spring was well upon us. Now they come earlier and earlier. I love to see them still though. This sounds like a wonderful book. I am going to look into finding it.

  19. A robin never fails to make me smile. Don't know why really. We often have one and sometimes two pop into our garden. Brings such joy. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Lovely photos... I hope you made your wish! Smiles...Susan

  21. It has been socked in foggy and gray for most of the last two weeks now. The weather is actually warmer than usual and I keep thinking the robins will show up any day. I am so glad you have some where you are.....they always make my heart smile and life seem just better

  22. I needed to read this today. Thank you for the words of wisdom, Snap.

  23. Those robin photos are adorable!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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