Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pumpkin Crazy

The world is going pumpkin crazy.

I went to Trader Joe's this morning and the pumpkins have taken over.

Trader Joes

There's Pumpkin Spice Coffee
Pumpkin Bread Mix
Pumpkin Pancake and Waffle Mix
Pumpkin Ice Cream
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins
Mini Pumpkin Pies
Pumpkin Yogurt
Pumpkin Spice Granola
Pumpkin Cream Cheese to go on the
Pumpkin Bagels
Pumpkin Soup
Pumpkin Spice Chai
Kennebunkport Brewing Co. Pumpkin Ale
Honey Roasted Pumpkin Ravioli
Pumpkin Butter 
Pumpkin Bread Pudding
Pumpkin Macarons
Pumpkin Cheesecake
and that's just a few of the pumpkin "things".

I found a succulent in a pumpkin ceramic pot that came home with me.


Must be why Pumpkin is the "Pumpking" this time of year!

Then there are the pumpkins on my block.

A big pumpkin and a pumpkin Pooh!

Pumpkins in the Neighborhood

I did find a skeleton among the pumpkins.

Halloween In The Neighborhood

It's Pumpkin Crazy time!


Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Happy Pumpkin Time!


  1. Well you went and did it. I've been debating on whether to eat the last piece of pumpkin pie this afternoon or not.

    You twisted my arm :) I took all of these pumpkins as a SIGN :)

  2. Look at all those wonderful pumpkin foods at Trader Joe's. I wish we had this store here, my US blogging sisters are always telling of the great buys there.
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday Snap.

  3. The pumpkins are taking over here too. The orchards are loaded up with them ... it's too bad I don't like pumpkin pie.

  4. Fabulous sizzling orange! Looks like a great the shining pot!

    Have a great week,

  5. Oh you made fall come alive with this post. . .and made me hungry all at the same time! Happy week ahead~

  6. Cute, I love all the pumpkin decoration in your neighborhood. The Pumpkin cream cheese muffins sounds yummy.. Have a happy new week ahead!

  7. Here, too. Just made pumpkin muffins today. Love the little succulent. Deb

  8. The pumpkin flavored foods are just too much!

  9. I like the Trader Joe's display. Nary a pumpkin to be found here at my house.

  10. That's a lot of pumpkin goodies...makes you love this season even more! Sweet hugs, Diane

  11. I'm really enjoying all these pumpkin posts!
    It seems to be an American/Canadian tradition for Autumn - whereas we do more roasting of nuts, Autumn fruits and mulled wine!
    Such a colourful happy post Snap!

  12. Thanks for all the pumpkin alerts, I saw pumpkin flavoured peanut butter in the store yesterday, can you believe that. Love your fun pumpkin in a plant

  13. Wonderful and interesting designs with pumpkin.

  14. Very nice pictures!
    I'd love to taste Pumpkin Spice Coffee and Pumpkin Ice Cream!

  15. The pumpkin pot with the succulent is so cute.

    I can't believe how many pumpkin flavored things there are in the stores at this time of year.

  16. That is so Pumpkin madness has hit Vancouver too!!! I think I'm pretty done with pumpkins now and Halloween hasn't even happened yet. By the way, those succulents in the pumpkin pots are for sale at Whole Foods and I'm afraid I got sucked into one too! :D Too cute. Hope your week is a bright orange one. :D

  17. Thank you for visiting the Garden Spot. You look like you are in the mood for Halloween. But I love photo in the previous post of the beautiful blue eyed siamese kitty.

  18. You've got lots of "pumpkin love" goin' on in your neck of the woods!! Love your mosaics and the plant in the pumpkin! :)

  19. Pumpkin days are here again! I love driving down the road past the fields of pumpkins, such round fat cheery looking things they are.

  20. They really are everywhere, but not all of them are as photogenic as yours are! (Of course it just might be the talented photographer !). Wonderful mosaics.

  21. Oh I love this post. Thanks for coming over to my Princess Pig post! I'd love you to link at the Fabulous Fall linky party.
    Here's the link to last week.
    A new linky will be live tomorrow after 5:00.
    You can link before that here. . .

  22. Lots of Pumpkin Fun here. I enjoyed it.

  23. Hello,Snap,
    Wow, it is really fun to see so many pumpkin decorations.Here in my country, we do not have Pumpkin days, so pumpkin decorations are rarely seen. Your mosaic is
    lovely. Especially the last one is my favorite. What a fun idea! (*^。^*)
    Have a good new week!

  24. We have a new Trader's we can't get near...looks like we will have to get there for pumpkin time or should I say 'pumpking time' :)

  25. Yay! Awesome pumpkins!

    Must have been a great harvest of pumpkins - our big ones in the stores are only $3 as well - never saw them cheaper ever.

    Pooh in a pumpkin is just too cute.


  26. I'm seeing tons of pumpkins (as decorations) on facebook and different blogs, but not so much around the area. I saw several plastic ones at the Halloween carnival last night, but those were all colors and full of candy!

  27. There's just one thing to say: I LOVE pumpkin season!


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