Thursday, October 16, 2014

Just Keep Going

Cassie has been busy supervising the afghan I've been working on.
Here she is, being sure there is no more yarn in my bag.


This is what she was supervising:

Crochet Afghan: Happy Hearts

I started this afghan last February.
Finally, it is finished!
I have plenty of yarn left and have started another one just like it.
Cassie is still taking her supervising seriously and
I figure once I get started, I should just keep going!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Little by Little

I'm also joining Hooking On Hump Day!


  1. Look at those 'wide' eyes! Cats are fun! Your afghan is so pretty, love the hearts.

  2. Oh, that adorable face! And love the afghan too.

  3. Cassie is soooooo cute! And your afghan is beautiful ~ Great shots!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  4. She's adorable and has a slight look of just being caught red-handed in mischief!

  5. Cassie looks like she's a big help with your crochet projects! Your heart afghan is beautiful. I love the colors you used.

  6. Cassie has such beautiful eyes and fur to match! Busy fingers make happy hearts...

  7. Love that Cassie and wow your quilt is gorgeous!

  8. Bright eyes! My mom seemed to be constantly crocheting an afghan when I was growing up - wish I knew what ever came of them. This one is beautiful - congratulations on getting it finished. (I celebrated when I finally finishing knitting a scarf once - can on imagine how excited I would be to finish a masterpiece like this).

  9. Hi Snap,
    Cassie is so cute. I wonder if she really inspected your yarn. Might be she knows how pretty it looks when she wear this blue patterned bag. Matcheds perfect with her eyes and fur. Your afghan ist really sweet. So much work, whow!
    Best greetings, Johanna

  10. Cassie is such a helpful kitty! :-) Cats are the best supervisors. And your afghan is lovely--such great colors!

  11. Wow! Such a huge job, but so much fun to do. No wonder Cassie likes it! Maybe you should make her a miniature for her basket?!
    Happy weekend!

  12. Both the afghan and Cassie are beautiful.

  13. No wonder your afghan came out gorgeous... every time, and that's caz you have a great 'supervisor' too!

  14. Cassie is such a cute helper.. Your afghan is beautiful. Happy weekend!

  15. Cassie is a doll baby so so cute - those blue eyes make my heart melt!

    WOW - your afghan is AMAZING - I cannot do anything like that, I am so uncoordinated with cloth crafting....mine is all paper and freehand. I admire your talents!

    Give Cass a pet for me and tell her Romeo Kitty Boy thinks she is lovely.

  16. The afghan is beautiful, lovely deep colors . And your kitty has the bluest biggest eyes ever. We used to have Siamese .. Makes me miss them although it has been years.

  17. Beautiful afghan and so neatly done! Your assistant seems to enjoy monitoring crochet work :)

  18. Beautiful afghan- you did a lovely job. Cassie is pretty darn lovely, herself..but I bet you knew that! :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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