Friday, February 14, 2014


Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope your Valentine's Day is full of hearts and flowers.


Another reproduction vintage Valentine.
No artist listed, but this one had a suggested publishing date of 1910.
Thank you to Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.


Outside my window...
The sun is shining -- finally!
Highs in the 70s ... what to do, what to do!!! 

In the kitchen...
Have you visited Estelle's
You must go visit. The blog is named after her grandmother and there is always something delicious cooking. Too bad we don't have smell-a-blog! Then again, it's a good thing we don't. I'd gain five pounds with every visit! 

I am reading...
I've just started THOSE ANGRY DAYS by Lynne OlsonRoosevelt, Lindberg, and America's Fight Over World War II, 1939-1941. I read Bill Bryson's One Summer: America, 1927 and decided I wanted to learn more about Charles Lindberg. I found The Aviator's Wife by Melanie Benjamin, a lovely historical novel that gave me more of an insight into Anne Lindberg. I heard Lynne Olson on NPR and decided I needed to read THOSE ANGRY DAYS. Isn't it fun how one book can lead to another. 

I looked forward to...
 The Westminster Dog Show.
I watch every year. I do love the dogs. I have three cats now, but when I was growing up we had dogs. The first dog I remember was named Brownie -- yep, a little brown dog. I was about 4 years old and I thought Brownie was huge -- she could stand on her hind legs and put her front feet on my shoulders. She wasn't huge, I was small. She also had a litter of puppies in my sandbox! I loved that the mutts appeared at the Westminster this year in the agility championships. 

A peek into my day...
The first camellia of 2014.


Thank you, Nancy!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. The same thing for me with the reading, I just finished The Paris Wife and feel compelled to read more Hemmingway. Never thought I was much into historical fiction, but it was fascinating. Have a great weekend.

  2. Love Camellia fragrance . . .
    Dog show . . .
    Including mixed breeds . . .
    Postcards from very early 1900's . . .
    Visiting the Twisty Lane . . .
    Happy Sweet Day to you . . .

  3. that flower blossom is gorgeous!! And mutts, in my opinion, make the best pets. I've had both, mutts and purebred dogs when I was young [I too now have cats] and the mutts just seem to be more faithful and happy.

  4. ps...just had to compare on Google...I thought that beautiful flower was a gardenia. And the ARE so very similar.

  5. Oh that is a beautiful vintage card they were creative back then. I will be heading over to Estelle's blog after this I am hungry:)
    I have never been to a dog show.
    Love that gorgeous white beauty. Hug B

  6. Wow, the camellia is gorgeous!
    Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day.

  7. gorgeous bloom. i love your new header. so fun!! love the colors. i will go visit - Estelle ... what a beautiful name. i love bloggy suggestions. books or anything really. Happy <3 Day!! ( :

  8. swooning over that vintage postcard! they just don't make 'em like they used to, yes?

    happy valentine's day, snap!

  9. I don't believe I've ever looked at the entire blog before. Snappy, you are a GENIUS!! The camellia is beautiful! We used to have some in our yard, but they froze back many years ago. Both my mother and grandmother grew them. What a nice memory!

  10. Lovely Valentine vintage card, and that camellia must smell so good! Happy weekend to you...

  11. We watched portions of the Dog Show -- I always smile at the toy group and how they seem to prance on air... :)

  12. Thank you for the reminder about the dog show - we try to watch it every year when my dad's here.
    I know I'll miss your winter header - it was so very pretty, but you always have something nice to look at on your blog, so I won't whine too much!

  13. We recently saw a footage from Lindberg's arrival in France, I'd very much like to read those books and they are noted. Is that Camilla growing outside and does that mean you are not touched by all of that Winter happening in America? I am off to visit Estelle's-thanks for both the books and the new Blog :-).

  14. The flower is beautiful! The vintage cards are so neat, I like them better than some they sell today. Have a nice Valentine's Day!

  15. I do love dog shows, but haven't seen one in awhile. And I'm going straight over to visit Estelle's place! :) But I'm going to hold my nose, haha!

  16. When I was a baby, we had a cocker spaniel that looked huge to me.

  17. What a beautiful picture of the camellia ! I too have cats (4) but I love dogs too. The only problem when having a dog it's difficult to travel, cats can stay home alone when somebody takes care of them and feeds them and I have a real good neighbor for that !

  18. Just noticed your picture of Minnie Mina, I have a Minnie Mae, so that really caught my attention Highs in the 70's sounds absolutely awesome! How wonderful! Happy Valentine's Day hope you enjoy your day!

  19. I love your vintage Valentine's Day find, Snap.

    Enjoy the nice weather. It's 30* with no wind here and we are glad to have it.

    I had the Hubby dvr the Westminster Dog Show for me. I started watching the first night and need to finish. I love seeing all the different breeds and hearing about their history.

  20. Oh, my! That camellia is perfection! Wow!! And I love your vintage postcard, too. Happy Valentine's and happy weekend!

  21. Happy V day! I'm off to check out Estella's in a minute, (don't you love that name?), but, Oh yeah, Westminster dog show, I loved watching that in years past. Isn't it fun to pick out your favourite breeds and then give your future dogs names and try to visualize the house you need to live with them all? Lol, I do that all the time.

  22. Oh, Snap! What a wonderful postcard. Just delightful and perfect for the holiday.

    Happy Valentines day, my Friend, and Happy Postcard Friendship Friday.

  23. I read a lovely story about how one of the agility dogs at the Westminster show was a shelter dog saved from a life of abuse.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you, Snap!

  24. I too enjoy watching the agility contests of the dog show. Such fun and I too am glad they have a mutt category this year. About time!

    Beautiful camellia. Am considering trying to get one myself...but everything burns up in summer here no matter what I have tried so far.

  25. Love the vintage card. The dog show is always a favorite to watch. Loved listening to Ron Regan when he hosted the show.

  26. Have been trying to comment for some time...there's a glitch or something that is running interference. The camellia is gorgeous. I also thought it was fun to see the mutts do so well in agility.

  27. Gorgeous bloom!

    We just watched "Best in Show"...a movie that kind of pokes fun at dog shows. It's funny, though.

  28. Thanks for visiting today! High's in the 70's??? PLEASE send us some!

  29. The first camellia is beautiful. I wish I could smell it.

    We were 83ยบ today! This has been the winter that wasn't for us...unlike most of the rest of the country where it seems to be never-ending.

    I love the vintage Valentine. They're always so sweet.

  30. Very true about one book leading to another. I read Aviator's Wife and the read Gift From the Sea. Surprisingly I had not read that before.

  31. Your camelia is elegant! I love the white. I used to watch the Westminster Dog Show but missed it this year. I love all the dogs and wish I could take them home :) Have a wonderful Valentine's weekend!

  32. Yep your probably right if we could smell some of the wonderful foods I have seen here in Blogland, I would weigh a ton..

  33. Your Valentine postcard is delightful! and so too is your weather - I wish I could say the same about ours...

  34. Have you read A Gift From the Sea? By Anne Morrow Lindberg? His is one of my very favorite reads.

  35. The camellia is so lovely!

    Yes, it is amazing how one book can lead you to another and then to another. :)

  36. Love the vintage Valentine. You seem to have a full life! Rebecca

  37. I have often wished we had scratch and sniff computers or some such thing...but like you say, may be for the best that we don't.

    totally missed the dog show, and we usually see it. I have 3 cats now, too, but I still love dogs.

  38. The camellia is beautiful, Snap. I remember seeing some in Georgia and thinking how gorgeous they were.

  39. Your warm weather sounds wonderful! I just began reading Monument Men, very interesting start.

  40. Such a pretty valentine. I love the Westminster dog show too and always look forward to it. Sweet memories of your childhood dog :)

  41. I live those vintage v-day cards. Hope your days continue to shine.

  42. Smell a blog, what a great idea, well, maybe, it could be a disaster too. Sweet vintage Valentine. xox

  43. What a beautiful flower! I've often thought it would be great to have a scratch 'n sniff computer monitor.

  44. LOVE the vintage valentine!
    To have flowers blowing already would be such a treat. :) We have had snow on the ground for 14 consecutive days. But, they say 60 degrees is possible by Thursday.
    Thanks for stopping by my Random 5!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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