Wednesday, February 12, 2014

On This Date

Three years ago today,
the LOVE of my life,
My Knight in Shining Armor, 
left this earthly home and traveled on to the stars.


We were together over 30 years.
I think I miss him more with each passing day.
Life goes on.

The Little Prince


  1. Beautiful . . . three years seems like yesterday . . . yet in experiencing it seems like years.

    Thank you for opening your heart . . . I feel I can open mine.

    May the sky be clear tonight . . . just for you . . .

  2. He is there inside of you, every time you share your heart with us, I think of him too. xox

  3. What a handsome knight in shining armor. Hope that you feel the love still for love never fails. Blessings to you this day as you remember...

  4. I remember that time, my friend. I've watched you cope and then stay engaged in life in a way that makes me admire your spirit as much as your photos. Real love stories don't end. Like Lynne, I hope that tonight is a clear night where you are, just for you and your love.

  5. Love to you and your bright star, both shining so brightly.

  6. He lives on in your heart. I hope the night is clear and bright from the light of his star shining down on you.

  7. Remembering with you, Snap. Sending hugs.

  8. In your few words, i get a sense of so much feeling. Saying an extra prayer for you.

  9. What a kind face, and while I am sad for your loss, I am also happy that you had those 30 beautiful years...just keep those memories fresh daily~

  10. The stars are shining even when they are obscurred by clouds. You, too, are such a bright star here on earth. love to you. ♡

  11. I know there aren't any words I can say to soothe your heart, but I wish you peace, and sweet memories. Blessings~


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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