Monday, January 20, 2014

Toast, Marmalade and Tea

If you've visited Twisty Lane for tea,
you know I have a thing for Emma Bridgewater.
There is a wonderful store in my village called British Isles.
I laughingly say I visit their store once a month whether I need to or not.
Not true -- I haven't been there in the last three months.
However, the last time I was there I added to my Emma collection.


I first saw the mug and decided I had to have it. 
Mug of Tea on the outside and English Breakfast on the inside.

Mug of Tea

Then I saw the Tea container.
Earl Grey and Pekoe on top. 
The bottom of the mug and container is marked 2012:
Toast and Marmalade Emma Bridgewater.

I'm off to have a cup of tea and a piece of toast with marmalade. 

I'm joining some tea parties today:

Wishing you well much joy and a lovely cup of tea!


  1. Very sweet, Snap. I like her stuff. Enjoy that marmalade..mmmmm!

  2. Hi Snap,
    What a perfect mug for a big cup of tea. I also enjoy toast and marmalade! I would love to visit the tea shop where you bought your collections. Thank you for visiting me and have a wonderful week!

  3. Those are really neat pieces, Snap. Great photography too!

  4. I had my marmalade (as always) on an English muffin. I prefer Smuckers Spreadable Fruit marmalade; Target is the only store in our city that carries it. boo, hiss I love the photos of your cats. Teddy looks like my Jax, and I have a Siamese named Ting Ting. She is the entertainer of the house.

  5. I like both the cup and the tea container. Lovely find and purchase! Wishing you a happy week ahead!

  6. I LOVE Emma! Always visit when in the UK. My grandmother's...also English from the same area of Englan...was Emma Bridgewater....and her maiden name was Rice...although potter Emma married a Rice! So when I found out about her on a trip home to the UK in the 1980s I was hooked! Thanks for sharing your fab Emmas with Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  7. I don't blame you for checking the shop for some favourite things every now and then. Tea in that large mug with toast and marmalade sounds pretty comforting to me.

  8. That's a nice mug, solid and with an attractive design. I just made myself a little pot of mint tea; guess I'd better go pick a cup or mug.

  9. I love marmalade but didn't have any on my toast this morning. Had to have apricot jam instead. I will have to make sure I get some next grocery day. Love the mug and that canister is pretty cute too. Thank you for sharing and coming to tea, Snap. It's always lovely to have you.


  10. I wish I could visit the shop with you, Snap. I love your big mug and the pretty tea canister. Now you have me thinking of tea and marmalade. xo

  11. You make having tea a wonderful event! I love that. That's a lovely mug and container. Enjoy!

  12. I can see why you're a fan -- beautiful tea related items!

  13. Hi Snap: Love the mug. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  14. I love them! I wish we had an Emma Bridgewater shop here. I look at the online shop but the shipping is prohibitive.

  15. A_D_O_R_E! Love this set! The black and white is crisp and charming. Wishing you a lovely week ahead :)

  16. nice bold graphics, really fun....xox

  17. I love the tea container and the mug, so adorable!I would love to visit this store as well!

  18. Oh these are wonderful! No wonder you love them so. Mmmm, toast and marmalade...sounds delicious!

  19. Oh, I love your new dishes! Lovely together and perfect for tea.

  20. Ah! English tea! Was there ever any better? Love your mug and canister.

  21. I like Emma Bridgewater! She has very nice things. You're lucky to have a shop so close!

  22. Fun new dishes, and toast with marmalade is a favorite of mine... Mmmm..

  23. Oh what fun. I love to see others' collections and what they like to sip from! These are so unique.

  24. I love that container. Earl Grey is my favorite tea. I think it smells like flowers on a warm summer day. I must go and get some tea right now... :-)

  25. Preciosa tu taza de té. Qué suerte que tienes esas tiendas cerca para comprar. En Argentina todo es muy costoso. No se puede.
    Muchos besos

  26. Pretty tea container and it goes so well with the cup...Christine

  27. Love your pieces, although my attention wandered for a moment at English Breakfast (mmmmmmm). Have a great week!

  28. I'm not familiar with this, but the set is very nice. EnjoY!

  29. This is a perfect cup for the occassion. Enjoy your tea, very nice tea decanter as well. I haven't had marmalade inso long, enjoy


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