Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hanging In There

I've been watching the Houston marathon on television this morning.
I fixed a cup of tea and looked out the door and saw this:

Hanging In There

This little rose has been through high winds and freezing temperatures and still is
hanging in there ... just like the runners in the marathon.

Join us for a little Sun Lit Sunday.

Wishing you well and much joy!


  1. The rose is wonderful. I can almost take in its wonderful scent all these miles away. :). And i admire and respect a runner's stamina. I don't possess it.

  2. Pink flowers of any kind are a favorite of mine, how I long to see flowers in my backyard after this cold, and dreary winter in Wisconsin.
    Beautiful flower and post.

  3. A rose still in your garden to give you pleasure - lucky gal! I like its blowzy look.

  4. What a wonderful picture!!! What a hearty rose!!! I fear our roses will not be willing to share their abundance until it gets much warmer!!! Have a grand day!! Cathy

  5. Isn't that just a picture of resilience and tenacity!. I like your comparison to the marathon runners, Snap; very clever.

    Thanks for joining in Sunlit Sunday again. (I'm in awe of seeing a blooming rose at this time of year.)


  6. Very few flowers are blooming in my garden. Lack of water (we are in a drought) and a puppy who still likes to tear up the yard have not been good to my garden. But, this morning when I was out with the puppy, I noticed a lone little tea rose blooming in a corner.

    Like your sweet flower, they are all the more special because of their resiliency.

  7. *sigh* A pink rose would be such a treat!

  8. It's been through so much and is still so lovely!

  9. A perfect comparison! Persistence can sometimes prove to be invincible, (and pretty!).

    Thanks for sharing your perception!


  10. So great to see it still in bloom. We are back to frigid for the next couple of days so no roses here.....xox

  11. Lovely, you lucky lady. It's so cold here, I couldn't carry home any fresh vegetables without them freezing on the way home, ice cream yes, but nothing more delicate. You can guess what we are having for supper.

  12. Indomitable little rose. Such strength yet so frail. There are lessons there.

  13. Oh I can almost smell it from here. Lucky you.

  14. Lucky be able to see a rose out your window!


  15. How fortunate to look out the door and see this rose blooming in the sunlight. Beautiful!

  16. What a lovely sight to see out your window! Not any of those around here right now. :-)

  17. One tough little rose!! And such a cheery sight.

  18. Lucky and so lovely to have such a wonderful rose still hanging on. Good job there isn't a marathon here today, it is so cold the water froze in the RV that's life, mine without the rose, hugs


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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