Friday, October 18, 2013


It's Friday.
A little this and that with a dash of randomness is called for.

I've been sort of blah this week.
Our wedding anniversary was Tuesday.
We would have been married 30 years.
I call it our legal anniversary as we lived together several years before we married.
Gosh, darn it all.
I seem to miss Mr. Dragon more each day.
Life has gotten easier -- more used to him not being here.
But my heart still cries out to him.

Now for some fun.
Halloween is just around the corner.
It's been awhile since I've shared a postcard.

Jolly Halloween
This is a reproduction postcard from a book of Halloween postcards
published by Darling and Company, Seattle.

Thank you to the lovely Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.


Here's my version of a happy witch.

Trick or Treat

I really do enjoy playing with water color.
The witch and the cat both look like they've been hitting the hard cider a little too much.
Those eyes!!!


The weather has been lovely.
Teddy and I have been sitting on the balcony watching the world go by.
Cassie and Mina haven't been interested in sitting with us.
That's fine.
I'm afraid that Mina would see a squirrel and she'd be over the edge in a flash!
She's an action first and think about it after kind of girl. 


Another lovely day today and I'm going to take advantage.
Off to the Japanese Garden and the Zoo!

Thank you Nancy!

Wishing all of YOU well and much joy.
Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. A trip to the zoo sounds like a fun way to spend the day. Just last night I was thinking about going to a zoo but the closest one is quite a distance from me.

  2. Awww, big hugs on your missing dragon my friend.

    Love your witch and the postcard -- I don't dare start collecting old postcards -- I know it would be never ending!

  3. Snap,

    Even though my life has gone on with another, there is not a day that goes on without a thought or two. Jack is the same way. I am sure that Mr. Dragon would be so proud of you and the way you are living your life.



  4. Happy 30th Anniversary.Hope your Blahs retreat soon. Hug B

  5. First, happy anniversary to you! Wishing you many more to come!

    Second, I love your Halloween card! It is very pretty and whimsical.

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  6. That is one of my favorite things to do....going to the zoo!! Oh, enjoy the time for me will you please?

    I love your water color-hard cider witch and kitty. How sweet. But of course, anything Halloween'ish' is fine in my book...your work made me smile big time. Well done.

    Keep on enjoying the quiet times on the balcony. "Watching the world go by" is a great pastime.

  7. ps...I just read your sidebar profile and loved getting to know you better. You are most definitely my kinda gal.

  8. Love your postcard. I've tried a bit with watercolors but it doesn't seem to be my thing. Nice work.

  9. wow, you are so crafty & creative. so fun. i am glad you shared with us. have a great weekend. ( :

  10. I love your witch and kitty cat and yup the cider went right to their eyes :-).
    i love japanese gardens and zoos, perfect places to lift ones spirits.

  11. That's one wild looking witch you created, but she has purple skin and that makes her my kind of woman!
    I'm sorry your late hubby isn't here to celebrate a milestone anniversary but I'm sure he's there with you in spirit.
    Have fun at the zoo.

  12. Halloween crafts are the best. I have a little mini Halloween shrine that I leave up all year.

  13. The humour of the witch and the cat looking like they've be into the cider (you crack me up) and the bittersweet memories that a wedding anniversary evokes. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, no matter how adjusted you are to your life these days...those memories and those moments are going to be ever so poignant. Sending you love and hugs for all those days that you miss your Dragon. xo

  14. Oh those anniversaries aren't easy. Hope that you thought of a way to honor the day that made it special for you. Mr. Dragon, eh? How did he get that name?

  15. Oh your witch is so cute! Enjoy your trip to the zoo!

  16. Loving those whimsical little postcards!

  17. So sorry for the hurt and pain. Hugs to you.

    I love your happy witch and the pretty kitty in her arms. You're so talented! I love the whimsical nature of the picture.

    Have a grand time at the garden and zoo, and enjoy your weekend!

  18. Anniversaries must be difficult - I hope they bring back fond memories. I love the postcard! Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!

  19. An anniversary is certainly a time to reflect on the wonderful memories of all those years together.

    I love your adorable happy witch!

  20. Happy Anniversary...the place in your heart is exponential for Mr. Dragon, but glad you are finding ways to go on. Living your life and yearning for him still. He is smiling from the stars. xox

  21. Ah, happy anniversary he is still in your heart :)

  22. Oh heart breaks for you and it's so hard to move forward. I do know. Hope you had a good time at the Japanese Garden and Zoo. Visiting via A Rural Journal.

  23. He must have been very special; that's all I can say. Hugs

  24. I am sorry to hear of your missing Mr. Dragon. My mom died close to 13 years ago and some days the ache is still so intense.

    Love the picture you painted of you and Teddy sitting on the porch...and Mina;s lack of self-control:)..

  25. That first Halloween postcard is adorable! What fun! Hope you enjoyed the zoo!

  26. Happy Anniversary and I too love your happy witch with the cat..Your wonderful witch brought a smile to my heart, thanks so much for sharing your lovely card...Phyllis...I would love it if you would come over to my blog for a visit and just say hi..Phyllis...

  27. So sorry about your Dragon...I cannot imagine losing my soul mate. I love your cute and full of whimsy.

  28. Botanical Gardens and Zoo trips top my local outings! I ever get bored photographing or taking in the scenery of the flowers and animals. Love your watercolor witch as well!

  29. I'm sorry you've been missing Mr. Dragon and I love your happy witch. She looks like just the type of happy witch I would like to hit the hard cider with

  30. What a darling postcard! lol And your watercolor is just wonderful. How talented you are! (grin)

    I have been married 30 years--our anniversary was last May. I sense you are sad today, so I wanted to send you a BIG ((HUG)).

    Thank you for posting on Postcard Friendship Friday.

  31. That's my kind of witch, Snap. Glad your weather has cooled a bit. I can imagine you still miss Mr dragon - I'm sure you'll always wish he was there with you. Hugs from CO.

  32. Ah, that is what memories are for. It must be hard at times, especially around your anniversary time of the year. Mr. Dragon sounds like he was lovely. Wishing your week ahead to have a pick-me-up

  33. Hi Snap~ Love your hard cider-hitting witch and cat :) and the love the little witch in the reproduction post card! A Jolly Halloween is right up my alley! Hope your happy memories bring you comfort ♥

  34. A really nice this and that today. I missed Random 5 and will miss again for probably the next two weeks still. All a part of my going to jail. We didn't get there last week though but had the suitcases packed Thursday night and then saw rain storms in Oklahoma and snow in Kansas (I posted about it last Saturday). Nebraska jail will have to wait until next year. But my sister is coming down here in mid November so that will be okay.

    I liked best your witch and cat water color. It is great!!! I can draw stick men, I might could draw them and then do painting. Might try when I give up golf (Mrs. Jim and I played yesterday afternoon).

    Part of my jail will be watching my Houston Cougars play in Reliant Stadium on the 31st. Part of the jail again. This weekend is a cousin in La.

    I may read this weekend even if I don't post. I plan to do my small Sunday meme though.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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