Thursday, October 24, 2013

Good Morning!


"Many of us in this time have lost the inner substance of our lives and forgotten to give praise and remember the sacredness of all life. 
But in spite of this forgetting, there is still a part of us that is deep and intimate with the world. 
We remember it by feel. 
We experience it as a murmur in the night, a longing and restlessness that we can't name, a yearning that tugs at us. 
For it is only recently, in earth time, that the severings of the connections between people and land have taken place. 
Something in our human blood is still searching for it, still listening, still remembering. Nicaraguan poet-priest Ernesto Cardenal wrote, ' We have always wanted something beyond what we wanted.' 
 I have loved those words, how they speak to the longing place inside us that seeks to be whole and connected to the earth. 
This too is the place of beginning, the source of our living."
  • Linda Hogan (Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World)

Little by Little

Thanks Kim!

Wishing all of you well and much joy!


  1. Oh, wow --this took my breath away. Gorgeous!

  2. Love the light in this! Such an amazing glow!

  3. Gorgeous photo, meaningful words... wonderful post!

  4. Eerily similar to my front yard... gorgeous light and image.

  5. Powerful words...and this photograph is soul soothing xo

  6. Beautiful post! Fabulous photo :)

  7. I guess all the asphalt and concrete in our cities make it hard to connect to the paved over earth. Then we should look upward like in your photo.

  8. I think I'm tethered to earth . . . it call to me every morning. Beautiful words and gorgeous photo!

  9. What a beautiful photograph!

  10. Gorgeous photo and passage. This really touched me. I feel that restlessness.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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