Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Note Card Party!

I've been missing the Note Card Party this summer and
I'm happy to be back!

Tea is always a good subject for Note Cards.

Old Country Rose

Liquid Wisdom

Royal Stafford Teacup


I thought I'd add a little tea humor.
This is part of a post by Regena Rafelson at TChing.
Please go to TChing to see the four other truths.

Some Important Truths About Tea.

3. People who drink tea mind their manners and avoid coarse language.

Who the %&#@ came up with that @$&* idea?

6. Males, left alone in a room with a tea cozy, will inevitably try it on.

You don't really want to know the dirty truth about this one.

A big thank you to Vee for hosting one my favorite parties.

A Haven for Vee

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Lol! Beautiful.. and funny post. Hm.. can i see my husband trying it on? Lol again.

  2. A world plenty of elegance, beauty and charming!Awesome set of images, bravo!

  3. If it's 'tea-themed', you know I love it!

  4. love the photos and the humour...and as for the tea cozy bit? It's true -- I've seen it happen way too many times!!! :)

  5. Stunning photos! lovely notecards!

  6. Pretty photos and thanks for the smile!

  7. Love love love the photos but you really got me laughing with the tea truths!!

  8. Lovely photos and I know for a fact that #6 is true!

  9. Lovely dignified note card photos.
    Funny, naughty humor. Which one are you?

  10. Lovely photos! The tea in the first photo looks so pretty in that fine cup. Enjoyed the humor, too. :-)

  11. I love tea and china. These would make lovely notecards.

  12. How funny! Now I'll have that image in my mind for awhile! lol Love the textures and effects in your photos! Beautiful...each and every one!

  13. Hi Snap
    I see there's money in the first cup of your note cards and the rest are lovely too.
    The tea humour was so funny I had to share it on my FB.

  14. Love this post! I love tea and all things tea, even cozies! lol Visiting from Vee's party. xo

  15. Oh, teacup shots are some of my all-time favorites! Love these.

  16. I too have been so bad at trying to keep up this season, and I am thrilled to say, that today , I am stopping by all of my fave blogs and there you were ;)

  17. Ah, your tea posts...xox

  18. I love your tea cups, but the sentiments kill me. Love it.

  19. Pretty theme for your cards and you "dressed them up" nicely!

  20. I like your collection of note cards! Tea theme is always lovely and your effects produced beautiful cards!

  21. LOL! Loved your selection for note cards. I really must put on the kettle tomorrow and have a few cups!

  22. Teacups make great images for note cards. Beautiful.

  23. OK, your tea cup images were beautiful...

    But that last part just cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh this morning.

  24. Each tea cup is unique & beautiful! What a great theme for the note card party!


  25. Can't beat a teacup for just the right touch. Enjoyed your humor too. I love Vee's card party. I like your header too.

  26. Your tea time photos are always so pretty, Snap!

  27. Snap, I had to chuckle about wearing the tea cozy :) Enjoy some tea and your weekend! Thanks for the grins!

  28. I'd use those notecards ...wouldn't they be nice with a gift of a teacup filled with a nice assortment of tea?


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