Monday, August 26, 2013

My World: St. Arnold Brewery

The last city on the Rice Football Caravan this year was Houston
and the get-together was held at St. Arnold Brewery.
St. Arnold was founded by Rice University graduates and they often hold special events for Rice.

St. Arnold

Here's just a little snippet from the St. Arnold web site.
You can read more about St. Arnold here.

"Our first keg of beer was shipped on June 9, 1994. Founded by Brock Wagner and Kevin Bartol, we chose Houston because, other than living here, this was the largest city in the country that did not have a microbrewery. Brock was a longtime homebrewer and had considered opening a brewery as far back as college, although that was quickly dismissed as a silly idea. Seven years after graduating, Brock revisited the idea, enlisted Kevin's help and the brewery was off and running. Kevin has since left the business after a bitter battle. (Just kidding - but don't you wish people wrote that when it was the truth?).

Our small crew does everything at the brewery: brew the beer, filter the beer, keg the beer, bottle the beer, sell the beer and drink the beer. For us, this is a passion, not a job. We believe that this comes through in the beers we make. Our beers have soul."

VW Bug

You can read the complete story here.

The Legend of the Beer Mug
It was July 642 and very hot when the parishioners of Metz went to Remiremont to recover the remains of their former bishop. They had little to drink and the terrain was inhospitable.

At the point when the exhausted procession was about to leave Champigneulles, one of the parishioners, Duc Notto, prayed “By his powerful intercession the Blessed Arnold will bring us what we lack.” Immediately the small remnant of beer at the bottom of a pot multiplied in such amounts that the pilgrims thirst was quenched and they had enough to enjoy the next evening when they arrived in Metz.

St. Arnold

And, a fun time was had by all!

(They make a great root beer, too.)

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. What a fun and colorful place to celebrate. :)

  2. Microbreweries are great places. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. What an interesting story! Sounds like a fun place to visit and learn about. There are microbreweries popping up around here.

  4. WOW! That's quite the paint job on that car! ;)

  5. Micro reweries seem to be popping up all over the place. Love that beetle advertising the brewery.

  6. This post is Great Fun - I could do the root beer . . and continue to enjoy the story of beer - especially passion beer . . . .

    Happy Happy to You!!!

  7. Fun story! Psychedelic car! Do you have a favorite? Mine would be root beer, but then you knew that!

  8. Now I am seriously thirsty and craving a beer!! :)

  9. Cute story and wonderful that the brewery has such an important it and the beetle too. xox

  10. Sounds like a great place for a party! Thanks for sharing, have a happy week!

  11. That's definitely a lovingly crafted beer! Microbrews are huge here in Oregon. Fun place to have a gather.

  12. I love visiting little breweries - and this one looks like a lot of fun!

  13. I like microbrews, some of them are very tasty. And that car is astounding!

  14. Colourful story and a colourful Beetle, all making for thirsty work. Excuse me while I grab a glass.

  15. I'd define ly try the root beer! Love the rainbow bug.

  16. So interesting! Like much the colorful car and your hot pads:)

  17. Interesting bit of history! Ah … and it shows that a good idea does not have to fizzle, if you put it into action. :)

  18. This definitely a great colorful place.

  19. Gosh - how do they do that kind of paint job on a car? Great! I'll have a root beer.

  20. I love it when they decorate a car like that.

  21. wow this place is very interesting and you prepared a fabulous article. Love that colorful car!

  22. I love St. Arnold's beer and always want to stop and take a photo of the brewery when I pass through Houston. But still haven't. Thanks for sharing this. I didn't know it was started by Rice graduates!


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