Friday, July 19, 2013

This and That

It is a day full of sunshine after several days of light rain.
We are still in drought conditions.
I'll take the rain.
Time for a little This and That.

A big thank you to Nancy for hosting. 


I cleaned out bird baths and fountains this morning.
After several days of light rain they really needed it. 
Fed the birds and noted that I need more bird food.
Have to keep the morning buffet going!


I spent some time with my BGD (beautiful god-daughter)
and her Knight in Shining Armor at my sista's new home.
It was lovely.
Precious time with people I love.
Sitting by the pool and watching the golfers go by.



The big neighborhood news this last week was the Grand Opening of
They bill themselves as a selection of European type markets under one roof.
The atmosphere was lovely, classical music in the background, soft lighting.
The first thing that struck me was the amazing produce.
(I came home with heirloom tomatoes and Texas peaches.)
There is an Old World Butcher Shop, European Deli, Fresh Seafood, Imported Cheeses,
Gourmet Coffee (also a nice selection of Tea).
The Bakery -- Oh My! I came home with pineapple-coconut bread -- YUM.
Beer and Wine. 
If you need kitty litter or cleaning supplies this is not the place for you. 
You can order online and pick-up at the store or have your items delivered. 
My treat (besides the pineapple-coconut bread) was
tuna seaweed salad!
I love seaweed and only eat it when I go for dim sum every 4 or 5 years!
I bought the smallest amount I could just to see if I liked it 
and I thought it was delicious.
The next time I see it available, I'll get more. 


I'm still busy with the Index Card A Day challenge.


The kitties continue to enjoy their nap on the new kitchen chairs.
Here's Cassie.


She is sitting on a receiving blanket.
When she was a kitten, I bought a set of receiving blankets and would wrap her up,
 sit her on my shoulder, and carry her around as she napped!
Little wonder that she's a Mummy's girl. 
She still finds comfort with her blankets and many days I'll find her
carrying one around the house with her.

I'm off to watch the Tour de France.

Wishing YOU well and much joy.


  1. Cassie reminds me so much of our old cat Jasmine that was put down a couple of years ago. Quite the character, she was. xo

  2. Cassie is beautiful. I think you trained her very well. The new market sounds amazing! All of your descriptions are wonderful... Hope that you continue to get rain from time to time and gentle rain is always best for parched earth.

  3. Seaweed is apparently packed with nutrients too. Cassie is so cute with her blankie!

  4. beautiful cat. ( :
    i have heard of folks getting items delivered to their home - i always wonder if it is a good savings or not?

  5. Spending time with family is one of my favorite things to do. And, if I can do it poolside all the better! We really need rain here. It's been extremely hot and humid all summer.

  6. I love when you do your this and that's...I feel like I'm right there with you. And wish I could be! love you! xo

  7. I've enjoyed these very much, and finally, this morning, I've managed to join the link, for fun! Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Cassie is a sweetheart! But i don't need to tell you that, of course!

    That market sounds like a sheer delight. And i would LOVE the tuna seaweed salad. :)

  9. I am not sure what time it is for you, but here we have 17H00 and the race is battling a down pour, I have had to move away from the TV as I get so nervous when the guys descend on roads that are dry let alone soaking as they are now-it has been a great Tour. Your sisters perch looks amazingly beautiful.

  10. The market sounds wonderful my favourite bread at the moment is fig and hazelnut ......Thanks for visiting me today

  11. I'll love spending time with my Goddaughter, and by the pool sounds perfect.

  12. So good to spend time with family, my daughter called a few minutes ago and said she is coming for the afternoon. I do love having her and my two teenage grandsons. Love Cassie, so cute looking up at you.

  13. I filled up the bird feeders yesterday, love my feathered friends. Cassie is such a beautiful looking cat.

  14. Precious cat. I would thoroughly enjoy shopping at your market. Sounds delightful, especially the bread.

    Wishing you a nice weekend.

  15. Wow that was a gorgeous view to watch the Golfers at. So happy you enjoyed time with family.
    Cassie is adorable. I love that you carried her around in a blanket while she slept. One of my cats use to ride atop my shoulders but she's getting old now (13) and can't jump up on my shoulder from the floor like she use to. But she's a great lap cat (to the point of being a pest).
    Have a great weekend.

  16. Love the cat with her blankie! I also know what it's like to be in drought conditions...I hope I never complain about rain ever again!

  17. I sure wish I could share my rain with you!

  18. Tuna Seaweed Salad sounds Delicious!!!

    Thank you for telling us all about the new market - and giving us all thought samples of your treasures.

    Golly your world is lovely.
    love & love,

  19. So lovely that you were able to spend time with your BGD!

  20. What a sweet, lovely kitty! My Waddles had some favorite blankets, too. That's so sweet that yours sometimes carries one around with her. :-)

    That market sounds great! I would be hanging out in that bakery.

  21. Cassie is an elegant cat! My cat is sleeping on his special blue blanket as I write, even though it's warm. Cassie has certainly grown since the photo you have of her in the sidebar as a fuzzy kitten!

  22. Such a sweet the picture of the golf course....and seaweed salad? Is that good?

  23. Lovely kitties! I miss my Canadian cats when I'm in England but then I have my old boy cat here and I love him to pieces and miss him when I'm in Vancouver. Isn't that the way it always is? Sometimes I dream on a way to bring them all together but I think they'd all kill each other! I love the index cards you make. Lately I've been painting on luggage tags. No idea what I'll end up doing with them, but that's half the fun, isn't it. :)

  24. Beautiful kitty! My daughter's cat just had kittens and I'm trying desperately to talk my husband into letting me have one when they are ready to got o homes.

  25. Sure wish some of that rain would come our way. We could really use it.

    What's better than a day spent with getting to enjoy it beside the pool. Sounds great!

    I love hearing about Cassie and her blankie. My LuLu has certain toys she carries around the house.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  26. that Fresh Market sounds like a dream come true. I must investigate to see if one is near me.

  27. WOW I want pineapple coconut bread now! :) I should not read any posts related to food when I am hungry :)

  28. We have a Fresh Market here. I like their spices - if you neeed something a bit exotic, they are the place to go.

    Cassie is beautiful and that seems like a very nice clubhouse on the green.

  29. Look at that beauty kitty face, Mommy's girl indeed....sounds like you got alot done. xox

  30. Hi Snap ~~ Cassie is a nice cat, I can tell. And sooo pretty.

    It is relaxing sitting watching the golfers. But I'd rather be playing. Besides we don't have a pool but we do have a back porch that faces our golf course.

    That Fresh Market, we will have to try it soon. Next time we are in Houston. Any of them I suppose.

  31. Hi Snap~ I wish I could send some rain your way. We're under flood watches and have sink holes...ark builders are in demand!

    We LOVE The Fresh Market, they're a NC company! I could hang out in the produce department the bakery is a dangerous place! Love seeing your kitty on in the chair on her blanket :)

  32. Sounds like a wonderful visit. We are so horribly dry here too. I do hope you get some rain.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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