Friday, July 26, 2013


Friday means a few Random Things ...
a little This and That.

Thank you Nancy for hosting.


I just finished reading BRING UP THE BODIES by Hilary Mantel.
BRING UP THE BODIES follows Mantel's Booker Prize winning novel, WOLF HALL and continues the story of Henry VIII seen through the eyes of Thomas Cromwell. Katherine, Henry's first wife has died and Anne becomes the center of attention. Henry wonders that he has spent the best part of his life with Anne and only has one child and that child, a daughter. No one likes Anne. She is the focus of gossip and malice. Henry wants her brought down and he has already chosen her successor.

Perhaps I am now used to Mantel's writing style as I found BRING UP THE BODIES much easier to read. Seeing the story unfold from Cromwell's side is very different from the usual novel of the period. Mantel suggests that several of the men executed as lovers of Anne may have been selected as victims because of their part in the downfall of Cardinal Wolsey. Who knows? Being an advisor to Henry definitely takes a man of great skill and courage.

I'm looking forward to part 3 of the tale of Thomas Cromwell.


This is Alice Owl.
Isn't she cute?!
Love her eyelashes.
I've gone through my stash and picked out my yarn.
I'll report next week on how my Alice is coming along.


The plumeria are starting to bloom in the garden.
When they were first planted I had three different colors.
Then came a couple of bad freezes and Hurricane Ike.
I've pampered and babied them and thankfully, they don't mind the drought.


These are the first hints of what is to come.


I've been going to the gym with a good friend at 5 in the morning for our morning stroll
on the treadmill.
It is just too blooming hot to walk outside. 
But it is good for me/us. 

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Alice Owl is so cute! I cannot crochet but I enjoy seeing it! :) This looks like such a fun project!

  2. I'm in awe that you would be up so early for the gym (!) but given the weather conditions, you do what you must...and an afternoon nap never goes amiss! Love, love, love the plumeria -- so gorgeous!

    I tried to read Hilary Mantel and I found it a very long slog...hearing you tell the tale from having made it through -- it sounds more intriguing hearing all of this from Cromwell's point of view. Aren't you glad you weren't alive at the time of old Henry?!?! "Staying Alive" could have been the theme song for the era!! Happy weekend!! xo

  3. Enjoy your walk! We are having a cool spell and I'll be walking here this morning.

  4. Love that cute owl! Love the yellow. I have yellow in the garden as of yesterday. LOVE IT! Oh, and our humidity has finally left us alone for a couple of days so all is good in the world here!


  5. YES!!! Alice is ADORABLE!!!
    Please show us your version when you've finished . . . (please?) - Alice is cute, cute, cute!

    love & love,

  6. Your plumeria is beautiful! Happy walking and have a wondeful weekend.

    Ranch Wife Robyn

  7. Visiting from Random 5 Friday ... had to tell you how adorable the cat faces are on your sidebar. Happy Friday!

  8. Alice is adorable! I hope you will share a photo of your version of her. I love owls!

    The plumeria is gorgeous. The blooms look so soft and delicate.

    Good for you for getting up so early to get your exercise in! It is indeed too hot, too early to do much exercising around here, too.

  9. You do rise early, you must live close to brother lived there but since moved to Colorado where the heat is much more tolerable. Love those plumeria, beautiful flowers and Alice Owl is definitely a cutie. Haven't read either of those books, but have read alot of positive press.

  10. Oooh, I love those yarn colors. So cute.

  11. I've read a lot of Henry Viii books but not that series. I need to look for it.

  12. Alice is fabulous! I love her. And plumeria are wonderful. :). Glad yours recovered.

    I've read Wolf Hall and loved it, but haven't read its sequel yet. I think i just will!

  13. Hmmm ... interesting sounding book. I'm currently reading 'Sarum' by Edward Rutherford and just finished his 'London' so I may be a bit saturated on British history right now. I love your plumeria! {And thanks for your sweet comments on 'Camper'!}

  14. I have never seen nor heard of this beautiful Plumeria, WOW...I'm not familiar with H. Mantel maybe I should be! Alice is pretty cute and such flashing hot colours for a wee owl..I cannot crochet, I've tried more than several times, knitting seems to be my thing.

  15. just gorgeous, those flowers, that brick wall ...

  16. I like your plumeria, Snap ~~ It's reall pretty. Here is hoping we don't have any hurricanes this year.

    Good for you walking. I am getting a lot of walking done here (London) too. Walked a third of a mile to the grocery store today. Then back again with three sacks of groceries.

  17. i love Alice the Owl. super cute. have a great weekend. ( :

  18. The Henry VIII book sounds wonderful -- I'll have to put it on my wish list! I got to see the Tower of London and stood in the cell where they kept Ann Boleyn. Amazing!

  19. I love the Henry era, and love your beautiful flower, I'll be watching your owl creation, have a great weekend.

  20. As soon as I log off I'm going to the library site to reserve those two books - thank you for the recommendation.
    Good for you for sticking to your exercise. I'll bet it helps to have a buddy.

  21. Cute owl ... shall be following the crochet ... I have never read that author although I have read other books on this bit of history so I shall have to look for the books ... beautiful flowers that I do not think I could ever grow ... I shall not be going to the gym at that hour either ... I have been know to be in my sewing room at that time, though ... :) Pat

  22. Looks like we've both been enjoying good books (just very different reading styles).
    Alice Owl is so cute, can't wait to see yours.
    Oh that flower is beautiful.

  23. Alice is so cute. You are so keen to get up that early,lovely flowers especially the colour

  24. Wow, your plumeria is beautiful. I had a huge one, too large for me to bring in during winter, so I did cuttings and gave the big 'trunk' away. So, mine is not old enough to bloom yet. Pooh.

  25. Alice is a cutie. And the flowers look beautiful.

    I completely understand about it being too hot to walk. HB and I have been going to the mall early in the morning before the stores open. They let people in to walk in air conditioned comfort!

  26. Very sweet owl... Crochet-a-long sounds interesting. The book sounds good, too. Such a dark time in history...

  27. The flowers are beautiful! I just made some soap with that fragrance~quite lovely.

  28. I'm just now catching up with your post, but I have to second your comment about Mantel's books. I loved both Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies but reading the first one was difficult at first until I could get myself into the rhythm of her writing. The second one was much easier. Like you, I am now impatiently waiting for number three.

  29. How cute! Love the colors and the eyelashes. Just bought some felt to make some owls :)
    Enjoy the end of July~

  30. I sell lots of owl pillows in my shop but this crochet one is sure a KEEPER! Love it!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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