Friday, June 21, 2013

This and That

It's Friday and that means time for Random Things.
Thank you, Nancy for hosting.

I made a quick stop at Michael's early this week.
I was looking for a couple of sheets of 22 x 30 water color paper.
As I was dashing through the store on my way to the cashier, I stopped dead in my tracks.
I could not believe what I was seeing.
The FALL decorations were out.
Pumpkins and all.


It is too hot to cook.
So, I've been having a slice of wonderful rosemary/thyme bread
 with black peppercorn chevre and tomatoes all from the Farmer's Market.
My Farmer's Market Meal.
Oh, my -- sinfully delicious.
I think I'm going to add some wine!


Hard to believe that the 4th of July is just around the corner.
My fingers have been itching to do a quick crochet project.
While I was cleaning out a closet,
I found a Leisure Art leaflet with holiday hot pads.
I thought the watermelon and star patterns were perfect for the summer festivities.
The watermelon was easy, 
but the star has a few glitches I need to work out.

Summertime Crochet


My basil was ready for picking so I made pesto yesterday.


I don't think my Japanese Maple is going to survive.
I've babied it through the long hot summers and our drought,
but it looks pretty sad this year. 
I had to trim some dead branches. 
I'll keep trying.
I talk to it every day.
Telling it how pretty it is and how much I'd like it to stay around.
I guess I could start playing music outside.
I wonder what it would like to hear??
The sound of rain, I bet!

Wishing YOU well and much joy.

Enjoy the weekend. 

Happy Summer Solstice


  1. Those hot pads are so cute! I'm not ready for the 4th quite yet. Summer is passing way too quickly!

    Thanks so much for sharing today.

  2. Cute patriotic/summertime placemats!

    I lost a Japanese Maple two years ago due to drought even though I slow-dripped water everyday. Planted it when both the tree and our youngest daughter were three feet tall. I planted another in the same place last year but it will be a long time before it gets tall. Sadly, if I sang to my tree it would had hastened its demise :)

  3. When I was growing up, my parents planted fruitless mulberry trees. They were fast growing and weren't supposed to live past 20 years. I would sit out under one and sing....and talk....and it grew bigger than the others. My dad said it was because I kept it company. That was 50 years ago and it's still alive. I think they like to be sang and talked to. :)

  4. sending my wishes for the Japanese maple to survive but perhaps it's just it's time. I enjoyed your five random things.

  5. Seasons and holidays always come "extra early" at Michael's -- crafters need lead time to get their projects done before the actual holidays! Can't wait 'til the last minute, LOL.

    Have you any Japanese flute music? Perhaps that might help.

  6. Perhaps it needs a tonic...some tree and shrub spikes or something. Oh I love your placemats...the watermelon is way too cute!

    (Not fall things already! School just got out last Monday.)

  7. Fall decorations???? I can't even think about that . I did want to get a new bathing suit though but it's probably too late. Most likely winter coats are in the store now.

  8. Fun random 5!
    I can't believe the fall decor already...that is just ridiculous!

    Your crochet is so pretty!

    I laughed at the music the maple would like to hear! :)

  9. I know about the decorations... I was in Costco...and they had kids snowsuits for sale!! (But this is Canada...and I'm starting to doubt we'll even have much of a summer:)

  10. I have always been impressed with how much effort Americans put into their holiday celebrations, especially for the July 4th, very cute hot pads.

  11. No! Not fall decorations on first day of summer! Talk about wishing time away for profit. Yuck

    I feel bad for your Japanese Maple. :(

    And what a delicious farmer's market meal!! Who needs to cook?? :)

  12. Yum for fresh pesto!

    My dad had a Japanese maple that we all loved but a storm killed it.

    Cute placemats!

  13. Fall??? NOOOOOoooooo!
    (I mean, I enjoy Fall - BUT...)

    Love the sound of your lunch -
    and your crochet??? Fabulous!!!

    Happy Summer!!!

  14. Putting the fall decorations out now is crazy! But next month the Christmas stuff will be out...big sigh. Time is passing too quickly! Cute table decor. Wish I liked to crochet :)

  15. i totally agree - i had a moment to pop into my area Michael's & was totally shocked by the fall items already. that is so nuts.

    what about the folk who wish to still make springy & summer items? what are they thinking? luckily no Christmas as of yet!! ha. ha!! ( :

  16. Your farmer's market meal is just my kind of thing!

  17. Puleez...fall decorations in June!! Stores are getting worse and worse and worse. And yum to what you've been eating in the heat. That most definitely calls for wine! Enjoy your weekend!! xo

  18. The sound of rain would probably be music to its, um, ears? I hope your Japanese maple makes it. Love the colors in that watermelon pad. I wholly agree with never growing up!

  19. Very pretty! Wish I had learned to crochet.

  20. Your hot pats are very cute! And the bread from farmers market sounds very delicious .. I agree that when it's hot, you don't feel like eating warm foods, Happys Summer Solstice to you :)

  21. I like the sound of that farmers' market meal!

  22. Hi Snap ~~ I am sorry to be sooo late in returning our visit. Thank you for the nice comment. I posted and ran. Ran to San Antonio for a three day weekend. It was a lot of fun, we hadn't been there for a long time. We did honeymoon there way back.

    I hope your Japanese Mapple does okay. Our neighbor has a red maple and it does okay. I too like the hot pads. A lot earlier we shopped at the Farmer's Market here. We formed a coop with eleven others so we could buy in bulk.

  23. Snap~ Sending cool, wet, & happy thoughts for your Japanese Maple!

    P.S. I did the same thing at Hobby Lobby~ the red, white & blue is cleared out for more rows of fake mums and pumpkins...I don't ever remember fall decorations being out so early!

  24. I love Japanese maple trees but we don't have a shady area to plant one. I think your Farmers Market meal sounds wonderful for this time of year. I can't wait for my first home grown tomato to ripen.


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