Sunday, April 21, 2013

Nature Never Goes Out of Style

Last Friday I went to Hermann Park.
It was a cool morning and I got there early so that I could find a good parking place.
I also had the Japanese Garden to myself along with the birds and the squirrels.
An early celebration of Earth Day.

Collage Japanese Garden

The garden is so lush this time of year.
So different from my last visit.
See the new little pine tree?
Lots of work going on because of the drought.

So quiet.
Hard to believe that the Texas Medical Center is just a hop over the fence.

Japanese Garden Collage

I missed the azaleas blooming, but the iris were lovely.
A real pop of color.
The crape myrtles will be next.

Japanese Garden Collage


I took over 200 images on Friday.
The ones you see here are straight out of the camera.
You'll be seeing more.

Zoo photos to come!

Would you believe I'm listening to Christmas music?
I'm trying to make my way through all of the CD collection and this one just happened to be on top.
Instrumental of *old* music.
It's a keeper.

Thank you to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. It's true what they IS a calming color. Very soothing to see all of these photos with the pops of color, but mostly green. Ahhhhh...

  2. What a beautiful park and I love your photo's. Have a Nice week.

  3. Lovely images of the gardens. The Japanese Gardens seem to be very relaxing. Thanks for sharing your visit, have a happy week!

  4. A lush and serene place to celebrate Earth Day Snap.
    Have a good week.

  5. Enjoyed the photos - looks like an enjoyable place to walk and enjoy the outdoors.
    Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.
    Have a great week!

  6. how absolutely beautiful and peaceful that garden is

    a perfect place for prayer, meditation, relaxing, letting go..that is how it strikes me

  7. LOL...Christmas music would have been fine here yesterday -- below freezing temps and snow...but music is music and if it's on the playlist, I say "go for it" -- never mind the time of year.

    Loving this shots straight from the camera and look forward to seeing so many more of your 200 shots.

    When (not if!) I get to your area I want you to take me to all these beautiful spots...and then we'll do a couple of tequila shots. Deal?? xoxox

  8. Beautiful garden? I would love to stroll there....Christine

  9. Isn't it wonderful that there are these oasis of calm and green in the middle of cities. Nature is so restorative - we all need time in gardens or forests. I'm glad you were able to take these photos to share with us.

  10. Christmas music, lol. We have not even had summer. A very beautiful and peaceful garden. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Brings back fond memories of my visit. Your world is green!

  12. Wow! What a beautiful place and excellent photography for MM ~ ^_^ ~ love the 'zen' quality .

  13. The parks seems to be very peaceful and beautiful! Thank you for sharing to us this beautiful place. Wish I could visit it someday :)

  14. I love Japanese gardens and that one is particularly lovely!

  15. What a wonderfully peaceful garden! I could imagine sitting there in the quiet and calm. Thank you for sharing from your visit.

  16. Beautiful garden! I wish I could get out and about earlier in the morning...I know it's the best light for pictures ...and quieter... But I can't seem to get out there. (unless it's my backyard for a sunrise...I'm up, just not ready to go anywhere!)

  17. It looks so green and peaceful there! Christmas music would be appropriate here, as we are getting another foot of snow tomorrow!

  18. Peaceful and adorable nature, these pictures are wonderful!

  19. I love gardens; this one looks very inviting!

  20. Beautiful space. The drought here in south Tx has affected all the local gardens.

  21. I love Japanese gardens. Your day was beautiful --- just lovely!

  22. What a beautiful place to celebrate Earth Day!

  23. This is the perfect post for Earth Day...such beautiful photos.

    Sorry I've been so absent from the blog world.

  24. So peaceful and serene, what a balm to the soul! You had fun with 200 photos, looking forward to more garden beauty!

  25. Delightful Japaneses garden - and I bet you won't find a daisy there! :)

  26. What a peaceful looking place! Beautiful!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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