Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunlit Sunday: Surprise!

I'm sharing with Sunlit Sunday
 a surprise or two that I found in my garden yesterday.

What a surprise to find daffodils!
I first planted daffodils in Musashi's Garden in 1998 when we first moved in.
It was December and I planted them in a pot.
There were no flower beds, but I was determined to have some Spring color!

Blooming in Musashi's Garden

Over time the pots were emptied into the garden beds and I forgot all about the bulbs.
That brings us to this year and my surprise.
Mother Nature -- WOW!


Sulphur Butterfly

I was looking out the back door when I saw this little guy flying by.
I grabbed my camera hoping he would stop someplace close.
He did.
I believe this is a little yellow Sulphur butterfly.
He didn't stay long -- zipped right off after I took the shot.
Good thing the glass was sort of clean!

Wishing YOU well, much joy and a very happy St. Patrick's Day!

Wishing you always-
Walls for the wind,
And a roof for the rain,
And tea beside the fire-
Laughter to cheer you,
And those you love near you,
And all that your heart 
might desire!


  1. oh how lovely!! We are still a bit far from daffodils but we have hope..

  2. Wonderful surprises...and a beautiful blessing. Doesn't get much better than this on a sunny Sunday morning!! xo

  3. Lovely.

    Nice to see you used my Irish quote too!

    Have a good day.

  4. Isn't it great to find such beautiful surprises in your garden? The white daffodil is so pretty. How fortunate that you were able to capture the butterfly - that takes patience and luck. Happy Sunlit Sunday.

  5. Isn't it lovely when you get a surprise like that. My daffodils are trying so hard. They are absolutely soaked with the rain now. I need to make them some bonnets!! Take care. Chel x

  6. Good Morning,

    That's a beautiful Irish blessing and the photo is stunning. The butterfly and the two flowers just woke up my whole morning; beautiful, happy colours.

    Thanks for sharing your vibrant photo at "Sunlit Sunday". Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!


  7. What a pretty surprise! Love the butterfly close-up. They can be so hard to capture. I often chase them around the garden and never get a photo.

  8. That was a great shot of the butterfly - it just sings 'summer is coming'!

  9. Wishing you much joy and a Happy St. Patrick's day also. What beautiful pictures! I always get so excited to see butterflies in the yard. It is such a pretty one too!

  10. Daffodils are always a happy surprise! Sometimes they come up in places I forgot about planting them in. The first sign of spring here. Great photo of the butterfly.
    Wishing you a Happy Sunday.......

    The FRench Hutch

  11. Wonderful photos and quote. I enjoyed visiting and will check out more.

  12. Your daffodils are very light; mine area a bright yellow and they have finally bloomed. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you.

  13. Ooh lucky you! The daffodils make me smile when I see them! That butterfly shot is great! I almost didn't notice him because I was staring at the flower! He fits right in!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  14. Oh, the first Daffodils, and your beautiful flowers surely say Spring. That little guy sure makes that picture perfect!

    Happy Monday.


  15. Your daffodils are so lovely and you captured a butterfly too! My post is about a beautiful butterfly who posed for me :-)

    Visiting from Sunlit Sunday

    Jocelyn @

  16. What a gorgeous butterfly- and flowers too!

  17. Nature is always full of surprises! Happy St Pat's Day to you!

  18. Great photos. Cool daf. Super butterfly shot. Thanks for this warm, fun post.

  19. I hope the previous owner of my house planted some daffodils in my yard, Snap! I know deer don't like to eat them.

    That butterfly was such a good photo catch--it was so beautiful!

  20. Wonderful photos!!I love daffodils!!What a beautiful butterfly!!Great shot!Have a great week!!

  21. So beautiful! We have snow again today, so I am really enjoying your spring flowers.

  22. Awesome candid shot of the 'flutterby'! Isn't it magical when the bulbs send flowers aloft for us to see? :)

  23. What fun! I love the tea cup, too.
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  24. Lovely capture of your fly by visitor :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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