Friday, March 15, 2013

Five Random Things

I have Five Random Things for you today.
Sit back and relax!

I've been stash busting.
All of this yarn was left from the Christmas afghans I made two years ago.
I like lapghans and thought there was enough to make one for me.
Not bad!

Stash Busting

It's just simple granny squares.
It is a little lop-sided, but then so am I.
It fits nicely!
I finished it just in time -- the days are getting longer and warmer!


One of my favorite things to do when the weather cooperates
is to walk into my Village and have breakfast or lunch. 
I was leaving the restaurant with my ice tea to go in one hand and a book
in the other when a very handsome man in a three piece suit walked into the restaurant.
He was tall -- basketball player kind of tall.
I am short -- as in getting older every year, shrinking, now under five feet tall.
Mutt and Jeff.
I said "Good Morning".
He said "Good Morning".
And then he was opening the door for me.
I said "thank you very much".
And he said "you are welcome very much".
(I could have opened the door using the *back end* method.)
Now, I'm no spring chicken and I'll tell you ladies --
I appreciated a very handsome man with good manners.
His Mama taught him well!
I was smiling the rest of the day.
And, my baseball Owls won their game that evening.


Maybe it was the luck of the Irish or perhaps the Easter Bunny made an early visit.
 I won the Martha White giveaway on a Semi Homemade Mom.

Martha White Cornbread

Mina had to supervise as I unpacked the goodies.

Martha White Cornbread

The blue Martha White tote bag held all these goodies.
There's a t-shirt, an apron, muffin cups, a cupcake timer, 6 packages of
Martha White cornbread mix, spatulas, wooden spoons, hot pads, grocery lists, recipe holders.
Martha White has recipes on their website. 
It's a good thing that I LOVE cornbread! 


Since St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner,
here is a vintage reproduction postcard for you.

St. Patrick's Day Postcard

Many thanks to the lovely Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday each week.


Lastly, I am reading
by Candice Millard.
It is not my usual kind of read -- it is not fluff!
I'm the first to say that my American history is not very good.
I remember very little of what I learned in school.
I knew Teddy Roosevelt was a president and some thing of a wild man.
This book is fascinating - a real look at his personality and an amazing tale of
exploration in the Amazon along the River of Doubt.
Candice Millard is an historian and a former writer and editor for National Geographic.
She's made the whole adventure come to life. 
I am half way through the book and had to take a break and come up for air! 

Wishing YOU well and much joy! 


  1. Great random list. Politeness, wow what a concept, how little we see it anymore. No wonder you were smiling. Love your lapghan and congrats on winning all those goodies. xox

  2. i love Martha White products. so yummy good. ( :

    have a good weekend.

  3. My kitty cats must approve everything that comes in my house also!

  4. I love the lapghan! I've been working on a granny square blanket - almost done. It's become a really relaxing hobby for me. The story of the tall polite gentleman was a fun anecdote - I think that would have had me smiling all day.

  5. I enjoyed all your random facts. And it's nice to see a St. Patrick's Day illustration that doesn't involve boozing, over-the-top leprechaun nonsense and such like paddywhackery.

  6. Martha White!!! You are wealthy and twice Blessed. Thanks for your Friday Five!!! -g-

  7. I love random stuff!! And I love that tall handsome man holding the door for you and bantering back with you...things like that always "make" a day, don't they?

    Cupcakes/corn bread will be baked...and you can use that beautiful lapghan for a little while longer and think how much you'll enjoy it next winter!

    Thanks for recommending that book. I didn't know/remember much about Teddy Roosevelt until I saw a programme in the fall about builders of America and he was in that...going to request that one from the library!

    Happy weekend!!! xoxox

  8. So glad that you found yourself! Here are five random comments: 1.Congrats on that fun win! 2.Great lap afghan in very pretty colors! 3.That young man's comment made me smile! 4.The book sounds like a fascinating read. 5. Happy St. Patty's Day to you, too. ☺

  9. Lots of goodness here ! Love your lapghan !
    And a man with manners ? Well that is something to smile about all day !
    I hope your weekend has more goodness in it, Snap !

  10. That afghan is absolutey stunning and I have a white cat, Kanga, that looks alot like yours! : )

  11. A wonderful list! I love the lapghan--just the right size to wrap around you when you read. My kitties run the house, too. They examine anything new. The Teddy Roosevelt book sounds good. I will have to add that to my "to read" list.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and I'm glad I found yours. I'm a new follower. :-)

  12. Very nice blog post, Snap... I too appreciate good manners. Seems that these days kids aren't being taught any. I almost get run over by children sometimes when walking. Most of them don't even say 'excuse me' anymore. Wonder what will happen when this generation grows up????

    Congrats on winning the Martha White Giveaway... You got alot of great goodies...

    Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  13. That's my favourite sort of post - a real grab bag of interesting stuff! A win, a little handiwork, a handsome man, a lovely cat, a good read and a pretty card. Lots to think about!

  14. What a fun post and you made out like a bandit on that giveaway -- so jealous!

    Thanks so much for joining in on R5F this week -- and so nice to meet you!

  15. Oh love the lapghan...such a pretty color and something nice to snuggle up in while reading that wonderful book. And how fun for you to win all those goodies. Have fun baking!!

  16. What a perfectly wonderful postcard! I adore it. ((hugs))

    Happy St. Patrick's Day, sweet Friend--and Happy PFF!

  17. Love that postcard! It's always nice to run into someone with good manners.

  18. Afternoon Snap! Your kitties! Mina.. :)
    A regular Martha White fiesta! Lucky you!! Love the spatulas. And what a nice encounter to make you smile with the tall man door opener!

  19. Wow, what a great giveaway to win-congratulations!

    Hope you have been well. I've had the longest bloggy break in history I think but I'm back and loving it! I've missed my bloggy friends like you so am thrilled to be visiting you again!

    Best wishes and happy weekend!
    Natasha in Oz

  20. You don't see much manners around these days!

  21. Great win! Look at all those goodies :)

    I love your lap afghan ~ the colors and the design are really beautiful!

  22. Ah, I sooo love a good looking gent, and one with manners, well done, sir!

    Your baking is gonna be FUN!

    As for your afghan - I live in Ohio State University (largest state college in the country) and our colours are red and grey - and one of the symbols is the Block O....and your afghan is perfect for the Buckeyes - it is red and grey with Os all over it! Luv it!

    Have a safe and happy weekend.

  23. You won a wonderful give away, Snap!

    I have been finding the people of Colorado to be very polite, helpful and cheerful--sometimes I geta little overwhelmed by it, in fact as I'm not used to it!

    Love your "lapghan"! :)

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  24. Good manners are hard to find these days, such a gentleman! Well done on the giveaway, it looks as though you will be busy! Take care. Chel x

  25. Good Morning
    and Greetings from Ireland

    I just wanted to pop by and wish you
    a very Happy St. Patrick's Day.

    May you always have
    Walls for the winds,
    A roof for the rain,
    Tea beside the fire,
    Laughter to cheer you,
    Those you love near you,
    And all your heart might desire!


  26. Snap, I had to chuckle at your little lop-sided description :) Congratulations on your Martha White win~ love your supervisor!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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