Friday, October 26, 2012

This and That

I have rediscovered root beer -- A&W diet root beer.
No caffeine.
Maybe it's a return to my youth!


Did I tell you that I have a pen pal?
We met each other through Susan Branch
What fun it is getting to know someone the old-fashioned way -- through snail mail!
I really look forward to her letters.
She lives in Wisconsin and sent me this lovely postcard.

Wisconsin Postcard

She and her DH celebrated their 25th anniversary by visiting her favorite place,
the Village of Ephraim in Door County, Wisconsin.
"Splendid views, shopping"
Looks like a wonderful spot.


I do love mail call!
My buddy Janet at Random Acts of Art sent me a mail art mixed media postcard.

Mail Art

Isn't it great?!!!
Thanks, Janet!


I haven't had much time, but I did sit down 
and played with some iPhoto effects on a few of my photos.

I think this one is my favorite so far.

B&W Saucer

Black and white with some edge burr.
I think I like it because of the doily!


A cold front has arrived and I just finished MY Jack-O-Lantern lapghan.
The other lapghans have found happy homes for Halloween.


Don't worry.  
There's plenty of room for my toes underneath the lapghan.
I thought I could use this photo someday as a self-portrait of sorts! 

A cold front means soup time.
Split pea soup is calling to me, but since I have lentils I'll make lentil soup today.
I did look through the freezer and found a package of chopped turkey.
Turkey vegetable will be later in the week.

It also means good walking weather.
Walk to my village for breakfast or lunch.
A trip to the zoo and the Japanese Garden will definitely be in order.
I wonder if I can get the visits in before the temperature goes back up or
has FALL finally arrived?!!!!
I'll let you know.


Last, because Halloween is just around the corner,
here is another reproduction vintage postcard
from the Halloween Postcard Book by Darling and Company, Seattle.

Halloween Postcard

Happy Halloween! 

Wishing you well and a joy filled weekend.

Sending lots of love and light to the lovely Beth 
who hosts Postcard Friendship Friday each week.


  1. Gosh, how wonderful to have a penpal! I remember long ago when I lived in the US and wrote to anyone I could find in England. Love that blanket, the orange has such a warm glow. And the vintage postcard too - so cute! Happy Halloween to you! Minerva x

  2. Great mail art. A happy mailbox is a good thing. Cute toes, glad you are getting some relief fromyour Houston heat, and soup sounds good. Fall is heremfor good even though we have had some sun kissed days. Wood stove heating the house up as I write this. xox

  3. I love reading about "this and that" -- it rounds our your life of the things that give you pleasure! And your toes peeking out...made me smile! :) Happy weekend! xo

  4. I am a fan of A&W diet root beer and Dr Pepper too.

    LOVE the lapghan! Perfect to snuggle under with a cup of homemade soup!

  5. A & W root beer is the BEST! I just had a diet one yesterday. And yes, I was worried about your toesies and that lapghan. Good thing you reassured us!

  6. Sending and receiving snail mail is the best thing! There is nothing like a surprise card in the box hidden between bills and junk!

    I think that's fantabulous~!

    I also adore that repro vin postcard- that sweet little yellow dress with the black cats on it the pretty little girl is wearing, how precious.

    Anyway have yourself a fabulous weekend!!

  7. What a lovely post...root beer and pen pals, Door County and post cards...all wonderful memories for me!! I'm going now to visit Susan Branch and Postcard Friendship Friday then look for a good lapghan to crawl under and look through old vacation pictures! Keep warm and have a great day!

  8. Good Afternoon to you, Like you, I love receiving post through my letter box. Sadly it doesn't happen as much as it used to as I have a daughter who lives in the south and another who lives in India, so it's email and skype nowadays, otherwise we would never catch up with each other. Loved your postcard. Have a lovely weekend. Best Wishes Daphne

  9. Your Halloween card was delightful.

  10. Hi Snap, I could use your afghan here in CO! It's cold. Love the B & W rose and dish. My fall is over, so enjoy yours for me. (My friend and I often surprise each other with snail mail.)

  11. I like root beer, too...and snail mail. I'm glad you got the postcard.

    Lentil soup sounds delish and you look oh, so cozy under your lapghan with your toes peeking out.

  12. Thank you so much for your encouraging comments on my blog and facebook. ((hugs)) Life is awfully hard just now. How I thank the Lord for friends like you.

    Beautiful postcard, too. I enjoyed that last one very much. ((hugs))

  13. I hope you feel better soon!
    I have a pen pal too - Cheryl from Jo Jo's Joys. She lives in Georgia which seems very exotic to a northerner like me.
    I sure hope you feel better soon.

  14. A cold front makes me think of split pea soup too! Such a comfort, as is your fab pumpkin blanket! I love it, and thought of making one myself, but didn't have a chance this year.

    I have a pen pal too, from bloglandia, and we are enjoying sending old fashioned letters back and forth. It is a pleasure!
    Your mixed media post card from Janet is fab as well. I do love mixed media almost anything : )

    Love the vintage post card too!
    p.s. thanks so much for visiting me and for leaving such a kind comment about my creepy necklace!

  15. Oh we love diet A&W rootbeer around our house. Neither of us can tolerate any other. I have a fruit juice glass size rootbeer float for dessert most evenings. It's just enough.

    A pen pal is very special...glad that you're having fun with that means of communication.

  16. Love your header! And that lapghan is a riot with your little "toszies" hanging out. I would recognize you anywhere!

  17. Oh I can just taste that A&W root beer, true reminder of childhood.
    I must thank you for your visit and kind words!
    A penpal in this day and age, what a treat. I think we have all become too electronic, I miss the written word. While I was in the hospital I acknowleged all the well wishes and gifts via email however first on my list this week are proper thank you cards. It will be a little more effort than just pushing "send" but it seems so much more personal.
    Enjoy! Kelley

  18. Great cards, and a pen pal, that is fun. Love your toes.

  19. I'll take the views!
    God bless you!

  20. Snappy Woo~

    OK the lapghan is too cute! What a festive way to keep your tootsies warm when they wannabe! I use my laptop in my lap hee hee. It's chily here in FL right now too-46 degrees as i type this early a.m., with an expected high of 66 and breezy then dipping down to 36 tonite!! WHaaa? It makes me think of Christmas like a giddy 7 yr old, knowing full well on Christmas Day it's likely to be 78 ;).

    Pen pal, how fun fun fun! Letter writing is definitely a lost art form. But letters are so much more intimate, and I tend to savor them, reading them slowly, to make them know?

    Of course, I wouldn't sneeze at getting a gorgeous post card either :-)

    Well I'm off iPhoto Queen, on another worky adventuere ;p Monday. I'd rather be walking to the village with you.But, I will take a walk under moss canopied trees and enjoy my crocheted scarf and breathe deep, so life is good.

    Have a lovely day !!
    xoxoxo Rhonda Roo

  21. Snap~ I love your self-portrait but your toes look cold! :)) Your lapghan looks cozy~ there's nothing better than curling up with a blanket or throw with something warm sip on whether it's soup or tea, especially if there is a kitty or pup to curl up with you! Love that vintage postcard!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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