Tuesday, October 16, 2012

NoteCard Party: Halloween

It's time for Vee's Note Card Party.
Since it is October and Halloween is just around the corner,
I've selected recently posted Halloween items starting with
Henry Higgins and Eliza Boolittle! 

Henry Higgins and Eliza Boolittle

Seen in the neighborhood: A Smiling Ghost and

Happy Halloween Ghost

a smiling Pumpkin Man!

Happy Halloween Pumpkin Man

Last, my pumpkin crochet lapghan.

Jack-O-Lantern Lapghan

A Haven for Vee
Wishing you well and much joy!


  1. Those large blow up style decorations are popular in my neighborhood, too, Snap! I love your crochet jack o lantern "lapghan"!

  2. Cute pics...they make me smile!

  3. Great pumpkin Charlie(oops Snap)! xox

  4. How cute! Love those little pumpkin people. :)

  5. You have the best decorations Snap. I love the crochet pumpkin!

  6. Fun pics, I LOVE your lapghan! What a cute design and seeing things like this makes me really want to learn to crochet:@)

  7. The crocheted pumpkin really is the best! Love your notecards this month...they are FUN!

  8. Hello Snap
    Henry looks smitten with Eliza, don't you think?
    Your lapghan is colourful and cozy too I'm sure.

  9. Love the ghost, and your afghan. Beautiful notecards! Have a wonderful week.

  10. Eliza Boolittle...hahahahaha...

    A lapghan? Now that's intriguing. I don't think that you need one yet, but I know that I do.

    Cute cards!

  11. I thought I was going to choose Henry and Eliza as my favorite one, but when I saw your crocheted pumpkin, I fell in love. That is just too cute!!

  12. Cute photos. Henry and Eliza do make a wonderful couple and they look very happy.

  13. Your notecards put a smile on my face. The lapghan is adorable. I've never seen one like it. Soo cute!

  14. Cute cards Snap! The pumpkin lapghan is adorable.

  15. Really fun notecards! I love that afghan, by the way.

  16. {{{{{ SNAP }}}}}
    I just LOVE your selection for note cards. Just precious and I want you to make them into cards REALLY and I'll buy some. ;))
    What a fun party Vee has ea month.

  17. It's a special set of postcards, your pictures are great!The Halloween decoration is so creative and gorgeous!

  18. Hi Snap
    Wonderful renditions of Henry Higgins and Eliza Boolittle - now isn't that clever!!
    The alstromerias in the vase behind are gorgeous too!

    I've just done my first link on Vee's Note Card party so I'm visiting all the participants and there are some great posts out there!

    I've just become your newest follower - I'm a relatively new retiree too and enjoy every day, making up for lost time sitting in an office!

    Do pop over and say hello to me, I'm a long way off in New Zealand, but for bloggers like us it's only a mouse click away!!
    Shane ♥

  19. Love your colorful pumpkin crochet lapghan Snap! Henry & Eliza are pretty cute too :)

  20. awwww, these are too cute!! i love the 1st. what great ideas you had here.
    enjoy your fall. (:


  21. Cute pics. My favorite is definitely Henry and Eliza! =)

  22. Such cute photos for note cards! I like Eliza Boolittle.
    Have a great day!

  23. Very fun. I love the first one the best but I also found that pumpkin afghan eye catching in your header before I saw it featured in this post. Nice!

  24. We have neighbors with the big yard blow ups for every season! They have a huge black cat right now.

    I really like your clever jack o'lantern crochet!



  25. Ah cute choices - they'd make great Halloween note cards.

  26. The crochet piece is darling. Some wonderful photos. Thanks for sopping by my neck of the woods. Enjoy the nice weather.

  27. Oh Snap, these are marvellous!! I LOVE your crocheted pumpkin "lapghan," and I really want a Henry Higgins and Eliza Boolittle for my house. They are just too cute. :D

    We have some of those inflatable ghosts in our neighborhood, and they always remind me of Casper the Friendly Ghost. He was my fave when I was very young. :)

    Have a wonderful week, Snap!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  28. So festive, so fun. Love the lapghan....new term for me, and looks cozy! Have a lovely weekend,

  29. Hi Snap,

    Adorable notecards and I just love your pumpkin lapghan! I would just love to curl up with it as the evenings get cooler. Lovely pattern.

  30. Each one of your lovely photographs would make lovely note cards. I love Halloween that is cute, rather than sinister, and your photographs capture the charm perfectly.


  31. That pumpkin afhan is very clever! Enjoyed visiting your blog for the first time and am now a follower!


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