Saturday, October 13, 2012

My World: Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's opened stores in Houston.

So, what's so important about this Trader Joe's?
It may be the only Trader Joe's  located in an old movie theater!

The old Alabama Theater building was originally
constructed in the Art Deco and Streamline Moderne styles as a suburban theater.
The 739 seat theater opened on November 2, 1939 screening Man About Town starring Jack Benny.

The theater was closed in 1983 and was renovated as a retail bookstore.

After the bookstore closed, the building remained empty for several years.

Trader Joe's maintained some of the art deco features.
Take offs of movie posters are painted on the walls.

Trader Joes

Singing in the Grain

The Wizard of O's

Trader Joes

All Roads Lead to Trader Joe's 
Houston, Problem Resolved
Trader Joe's Opening Celebration
The Best Little Storehouse in Texas

I spent more time looking at the posters on the walls than I did the food in the store.
I did come home with a small orchid.

When the crowds have thinned out, I'll go back and take more shots of the posters I missed
and do some shopping! 

I think Trader Joe's did a fun job of maintaining some of the movie history of the building. 

Wishing you well and much joy!


  1. Such fun! Our Trader Joe's is just a regular store. It is wonderful that this new one kept some of the special features of this building.

  2. We have a TJ's about 5 miles from the house. I buy quite a bit from them but not everything. Your new store looks great! Ours isn't nearly that cool even though it's only a few years old.

  3. What a GREAT location for a Trader Joe's! And I'm happy to hear that you finally have one. They aren't here in Canada but I always love visiting them when I'm in the US!

  4. A great idea to keep the old movie theater motif. We're getting a Trader Joe's near my Denver home. It'll be completion for Whole Foods.

  5. The closest Trader Joe's for us is in Everett, WA and I visit every time I'm south of the border. I wish we had one here!

  6. Nice to see that they kept some flavor to the building instead of bulldozing and making another big box.....Great dried fruit and coffee, so might have a nice selection of tea? xox

  7. Snap~ How clever! I love their take on the movie posters with a nod the the history of the building! I don't get to my TJ's often enough~ I saw in their Fearless Flyer, it's pumpkinmania right now with all their products! I need a trip! Happy Shopping :)

  8. Trader Joe's is a neat store. Cool posters! We also have Trader Joe's here and a Wegman's that is even better.

  9. That sounds fun. Fun posters too. I've never been to a Trader Joe's. I'm glad the building is being used again. Pamela

  10. That is awesome. I love it when a store uses an existing building instead of building something new. And this one deserves to be preserved and used! We don't have one of those store where we live but I've heard the prices are good! Hugs!

  11. Ohmygosh, those a fabulous posters. I can see why you spent so much time looking at them.

  12. Trader Joe's is a new store to me and this one that has kept the theme of the original building has done an admiral job.

  13. Lucky you! The nearest Trander Joe's to me is 45 minutes away :(

    And it's wonderful that they kept the charm of the old building!


  14. I have heard bloggers talk about Trader Joes. It must be some kind of place. Alas, not in Ontario. Valerie

  15. Oh! I want a TJ's near me. :( I've heard so much about the store - closest one is approx 200 miles away.
    Great job on the mosaics.

  16. Those posters are fabulous :-) I love Trader Joes myself! Now, if only we could get a Hobby Lobby! lol
    big hugs,

  17. What a fun adaptation of the movie theme. I've never been to a Trader Joe's but I've heard a lot about them.

  18. This seems like something TJs would do, recyle an old theatre and keep up some of the decor. You should take an outside shot sometime too. So glad you got TJ. Their flowers can be wonderful deals, and there is so many interesting items to find if you have the time to look!

  19. That's just the kind of place I'd love to see. Thanks for sharing.

  20. You have just taken me on a trip down memory lane! I used to live in Houston, in fact it's where I met my husband and the place where we were wed. Although I am not a native Houstonian, but a Chicagoan, I have many happy memories of your city. I do remember the Alabama theater, but only as a bookstore. I used to love to browse there. So glad it is being reused now. You will enjoy Trader Joe's! We don't have one here in Boise, but I have visited one in Portland and one in Phoenix.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  21. I wish we had one in Huntsville -- they're such fun stores! Lucky girl, you!! :)

  22. I have never been to a Trader Joes but I sure have enjoyed those poster pics! :)

  23. How cool! We've not got Trader Joe's yet, but we visited one in NYC that was nice, but so crowded!

  24. Those posters are just fantastic!

  25. Great movie posters. Our TJ'S is moving to a larger location but the parking will be worse. But that won't stop me....

  26. I don't know how the towns/cities get along without Trader Joes!!! What a fun post for the day, Snap!! Hope you have a great week with lots of shopping!!

  27. Great murals!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  28. Wonderful murals and now you have a Trader JOe's ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  29. There's been discussion about a Trader Joe's opening in my town, but I have no idea what they even are!

  30. Interesting place for a grocery store! And nice that they kept some of the history of the building.

  31. it is great to see that Trader Joe's is retaining some of the history with the posters. We have an ArtDeco building in my town. Have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi!

  32. You are lucky to have such a charming Trader Joe in your vicinity. That's what we miss in the Netherlands.

  33. I'm sure I would love this Trader Joe's!

  34. lol, that was some really special posters :)


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