Saturday, October 20, 2012

Camera Critters: Mina

You may remember that I adopted Mina from a local no kill shelter.
Every few months Friends for Life sends an email to me asking how she is doing.
I run around with the camera and take pictures of the little Princess
and send them off with a report that states 
"she has pretty much taken over the house".

Here are a few of the latest Mina shots.


Mina stretching


Mina sleeping/cat napping ... NOT!
I'm convinced she can hear the camera lens cover coming off even in her sleep!


Mina sitting on her favorite lapghan -- the Black Cat!

A big thanks to Misty for hosting Camera Critters each week.

Camera Critters

Okay, Mina. Time to go nap!
You did such a good job this morning supervising Mummy while she worked in the back yard.
Have to take advantage of the cool mornings.
Tomorrow summer will be back!


  1. Bonjour Mina!I love your pictures, you are so delicate and charming!
    purrs and love
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  2. she is beautiful and has found a very good home. :)

  3. She seems very happy with her home. Cute shots of your Mina! Have a great weekend!

  4. Mina is a beauty! Both my cats came from Action for Animals, a local rescue group. So did youngest son's. We love all 3!

  5. Such a pretty girl and she clearly knows how lucky she is to have chosen you Miss Snap!!

  6. Beautiful Mina!
    Thanks for your visit :)

  7. Mina is so cute. I like the one where she's "sleeping"...that's exactly what happens when I try to get a photo of my cats while they're sleeping.

  8. They do bring such joy, grace, and beauty to our lives, don't they? Lucky Mina! Lucky you! Happy weekend to you both.

  9. süss..die gefällt mir
    LG vom katerchen

  10. She is such a pretty, pretty kitty. Her color is gorgeous and she knows it! xox

  11. What lovely markings on Mina! Love the blog header too.

    cats of wildcat woods

  12. What darling, precious captures of Mina!

  13. I love that the shelter keeps in touch to see how Mina is doing...that they are committed to the lives of those they have saved...and that they know who "rules the roost"!! :)

  14. Yep, cata are like that. They can hear you trying to sneak up on them.

  15. She is a beauty! I'm sure she has you wrapped around her little paw!

  16. Mina is such a sweetie. :) And, Happy Critters Day to you, too. :)

  17. Your kitty is very pretty.

    Pony Ride
    Have a fabulous weekend.

  18. Mina is beautiful! Bet she would look good on some note cards for the note card party!

  19. Mina is so lucky you adopted her Snap! Why am I not surprised something black and a cat to boot is a favorite thing to sit on :)

  20. She is beautiful! How lucky for her to have been adopted into such a good home.

  21. Mina is very beautiful! Cats definitely enhance a life :)

  22. what a beauty, I think she has found a wonderful home, thats a great organization to take the time to check on her! This is my first visit to your blog, I'm visiting from A Haven for Vee, she is my new blogging friend, best wishes from Canada!

  23. Mina is such a cute name for an adorable kitty. I think Fioré can hear the cap come off the camera as well, which is why I do it as far away from her as possible.

  24. She's so pretty! And thank you for your encouragement of my new series!

  25. Such a fun kitty. We are trying to integrate our kittens with the cats. It's not going well yet!!!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  26. What a beautiful creature! You did well in selecting her, and how lucky she is to be with you.


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