Sunday, August 12, 2012

Around The Town

A Look Around Houston

Around Houston

Around Houston

August Break 2012


  1. Wonderful images for your mosaics. I've never been to Houston, except for the airport. Thanks for sharing. Happy Sunday!

  2. Loved the tour...definitely a city I would like to visit!

  3. HI Snap, Great mosaics of your gorgeous city.. Hope you are having a great August. I've been on Blog Break for a week --and am beginning to 'try' to catch up now... ha


  4. Wonderful photos mosaics, Snap and I like your new blog look! Very classy!

  5. Wonderful hints of Houston. I see that there is a lot going on there with a zoo and an art school and parks and all the usual culture of a big city.

    (I've been to Dallas, but that's a long way from Houston. Wonder how close I came...must check that out...I did drive through the Texas panhandle into Oklahoma on our way home to the Northeast. That was when my adult son was a mere eight months old.)

  6. Nothing like a little time with a map to get an education. I didn't realize how far SOUTH of Dallas Houston is. Not too far to get to the Gulf of Mexico, which has got to be nice for all the folks living in Houston. Somehow I had it in my head that Houston was in West Texas. Shameful!

  7. Thanks for the little tour, Snap! I enjoyed it.

  8. Beautiful pictures!

  9. Oh how I love that bokk reading Buddha ! So sweet and lovely !
    Happy Monday, Beautiful Snap !!!

  10. great collection you share with us. :)

  11. Interesting post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. I like seeing Houston through your lens Snap. I remember some of those sights.

  13. Beautiful mosaic from your part of the world! :)

  14. I visited Houston a number of years ago as my brother was living there. Didn't see a great deal of the city but do remember the heat and the humidity. Thanks for the photos showing me what I missed.

  15. I love the variety of sights in your mosaic.

  16. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I like your series of photos. Very artistic!

  17. What a great series of photos. I could enjoy spending time in Houston, but unfortunately I've only ever flown through it.

  18. Great tour of Houston! I have never been there and I like your views.

  19. Thanks for the tour. Love that Buddha statue!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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