Monday, July 30, 2012

Tea and Honey

July is almost over.
Can you believe it?
On August 1, I'm going to take part in August Break.
It's not a total break from the world of Blog.
It works this way:
I'll share one (or more) photos here on Twisty Lane each day,
or every other day, or whenever I feel like it
for the whole month of August.
I might even slip in a real post or two every now and then.
A little break from the pressures and expectations of regular blogging.
It's also a chance to meet other Bloggers who are enjoying the August Break.
I also have plans for the month of August
(also known as UGHUST because of the heat and humidity).

I'm going to be hooking in August.
My fingers are itching and I have plenty of WIPs to finish. 

I'm going to read.
After I finish my guilty pleasure BONE APPETIT, I'm going to start THE BEEKEEPER'S LAMENT.
How's that for a lead-in to Tea and Honey?!!!

Tea and Honey

I've shared the teapot with you before.
It is part of a tea for one.
But I hadn't shared the cute little cup and saucer.

Tea and Honey

Tea and Honey
A perfect way to celebrate summer!

This lovely photo is from the Brush Dance Sereni-Tea 2012 Calendar.
I love the photographs and quotes in this calendar.

Sereni-Tea August
From the Brush Dance Sereni-Tea Calenday 2012

Thanking our tea party hosts:

Wishing YOU well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea!



  1. Your plan for August sounds like a good one - as long as there is tea at the start and finish of each day!

  2. Tea and Honey -- what a lovely delight. I'll be joining you on the August break..and I know what you mean...end of July already?!?!?!

  3. The "August Break" blog schedule sounds perfect for the hazy, crazy, lazy days of summer, as the old song goes.

  4. Hi Snap,
    what a wonderful tea time with honey and bees. Your tea cup is sweet and the books sound very interesting. Alas I have not the serenity to read a book at the moment. I think its a good thing to have a blog break and just post if one want. Enjoy the time and relax.
    Best greetings,

  5. Hi Snap,
    I love your cup and teapot! How cute they are and perfect for this time of year! Your plan for August sounds enticing. I hope you enjoy it spendidly! Thank you for sharing your lovely post with us today.


  6. A delightful teacup with the bees and it looks like a good book as well.
    I checked out the August Break and have decided to join as well - a great idea actually.

  7. I love your teaset! The design is wonderful. I love the bees! Enjoy your break...we all need one. I am taking 2 weeks off at the end of Aug. as well. Thanks for sharing your buzzy teaset and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  8. Hi Snap, been catching up on some of your posts. Your furbabies are tres adorable!!! .... loved the creative photos in your mosaic!

    And you are absolutely correct- the mind is everything. and we do become our thoughts. Love that quote.

    What a fabulous summer time you are sharing!! Your petite teacup and saucer are lovely!

    I like the idea of an August (UGHUST break... hugs and blessings, HHL

  9. I love honey in my tea, and your design is fantastic! Beautiful photos!

  10. Hi: I love your idea for August. How wonderful it sounds. Have a great August. Blessings, Martha

  11. What a wonderful plan for August, Snap! I do love, love , love your teacup and saucer.

  12. This is a beetiful cup and teapot! So sweet with the bee!

  13. Hi Snap, Your teapot and cup and saucer are really lovely! Enjoy your books and projects. By the way, I loved "A Year On Ladybug Farm" and got two sequels (there are actually two more Ladybug Farm books beyond the two sequels I have now). Thanks for turning me on to the author Donna Ball - she's a winner!
    Hugs, Beth

  14. I like the idea of the August Blog Break. I may be doing just that as I'll be away and then my sister will be visiting. I'll be too busy to do full blogposts. This teaset is very pretty! Enjoy your break and stay cool. Blessings, Pamela

  15. What a sweet teaset. I love the bees on it. Perfect for summer! Have a restful August break.

  16. Hello Snap,
    I love the idea of just posting images during August. I think I may just play along : ) Thanks so much for sharing about it.
    I love your little tea for one. The nature theme and colors are fab!
    Have a wonderful August!

  17. Pretty tea set. Happy August holiday. Enjoy xxoo

  18. Hope you enjoy your August break! I just LOVE your tea set, Bee-utiful.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  19. Oh, sounds divine. Have fun reading. I LOVE your bee-autiful tea set! Happy August :)

  20. I love your beautiful teapot for one! The design is a favorite. Goes very well with your cup and saucer. PERFECT SET for a lovely cup of tea. I LOVE the Japanese poem.
    Enjoy your book!

  21. Hi Snap,
    Thank you so much for visiting me and leaving such a sweet note. Your tea for one and tea cup set are lovely. The little bees are just adorable on the tea plate.
    I am now following :)
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  22. I adore hot tea with a nice helping of honey and yet, I seem to only drink it in cooler months. Lovely image shares~

  23. Pretty bees and tea....let us know how the book is. xox

  24. How wonderful with tea and bees! I lve tea with honey, the best and healthy too. Love the pretty teacup set for one. Thanks for your sweet and kind visit pretty lady. God bless.

  25. What a great idea to post only photos in August. The teapot and matching cup & saucer are adorable. I love the little bees decorating the china.

  26. Your August blogging sounds like my cup of tea..I am going to check this out.

    The book intrigues me and I love the tea for one set. My husband is a beekeeper so it especially appeals to me.

  27. I'm feeling the need for a break as well, but mine is from Facebook. Sometimes life gets too hectic and I just need to slow down.

    Your teapot teacup are precious! I love the summery pattern :) Very refreshing.

    Enjoy your break!

  28. Love your teaset! Takking some time off in August sounds like a great plan. I have really cut back on blogging. Just too much going on!

  29. LOVE these Bees. Feel so sad that they are on the danger list. Always like to hear them buzzing about the garden and adore them on china too! x


  30. I love honey and tea! One of my favorite combinations.

    Your cup and teapot are just lovely! Hope you are enjoying your break.

    I love tea, so whenever I can, I add honey to it. The taste is amazing but what I love more about it is its health benefits!

    Tea is quite healthy as you know and when combining it to honey it's even better!

    It's good to treat insomnia, which is wonderful for me. I always take one tablespoon of honey before going to sleep and it also helps treat gastrointestinal problems!

    So it's truly a nature's medicine!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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