Sunday, July 29, 2012

Month At A Glance: July 2012

Hard to believe another month is almost over.
Here is my look back at the month of July, 2012.

Month At A Glance: July 2012

Thank you to the lovely Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday.

I plan on being a couch potato during the Olympics
and the month of August starts -- otherwise known as UGHUST with the heat and humidity!
It's a good time to be part of August Break.

Wishing YOU well and much joy.


  1. Beautiful Collage and thanks for including the tea-cup. Happy August to you, too.

  2. Wonderful kitty views....enjoy the couch. xox

  3. What a great collection. I'm glued to the television, too, and just have to remember not to check the news for Olympic results. Definitely not as much fun to know before the event.

  4. What a great idea to show your month in photos. Loved it and enjoy your break.

  5. You know this is such a clever idea.

    You really ought to make this a monthly linky party of your own on the last day of every month- it would be a huge hit.

  6. Your month at a glance is a wonderful idea. Beautiful mosaic!

  7. This is always my favorite mosaic! I love that little green bird! Enjoy your week!

  8. What a fun collage! Nicely done!! Have a grand week! Cathy

  9. Probably said the same thing last month, but I really like how you do this at the end of a month. It is very cool. Now I've got to go back and find that sweet crocheted cup and saucer. Enjoy the Olympics...veg out and relax...

  10. Hi! It's nice to be back--I have missed my blogging friends like you! Your cats are so handsome. We still have just one, and we enjoy the outdoor company of our neighbor's cat as well. Enjoy the Olympics!

  11. What a month worth of fabulousness! Love the mosaic…

    The French Hutch

  12. Wonderful mosaic! An August break sounds very tempting for sure. Enjoy!

  13. What a cool idea -- an end of the month wrap-up!!! I tried a couple of times to do an end-of-the-year one and it is too unwieldy...I gave up after the first one.....

    Looks like you had a great month. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Wonderful glimpse of month in images.

  15. Lovely photos, but the kitties stole the show! Thank you for the visit and sweet comment on my Galveston trip! You will be glad to know it is turning back into a magical place. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  16. This is such a great idea - I may just copy you one month.

    Have fun watching the Olympics.

  17. Where did the month go? It seems to have whizzed by. I'll be watching all the events from London, as well. Once every four years - I wouldn't miss it!

  18. A nice collection from July in your mosaic Snap. I didn't get to see the opening ceremonies as the TV reception at the cottage last week was very poor. Our daughter told me about it and I did manage to find a Utube of Mr. bean at the keyboard.

  19. Hi Snap,

    This is a WONDERFUL mosaic! My favorite pics are the china tea cups (love the one with the thistle flowers), the darling crocheted tea cups, and your kitties. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week. We're enjoying the Olympics, too. :)

    Denise at Forest Manor

  20. Awe, l love the flowers, but I especially love the cats. My first cat was a Siamese and then we had one that looked a lot like the long haired cat~

  21. I just love how you look back through the month. It makes a wonderful collage.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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