Monday, July 23, 2012

Mug Rug

I made another mug rug.
Changed it around just a bit.

Mug Rug

This is my new Buddha mug.
It is huge -- 24 oz should get me started in the morning!
It's so big, it doesn't fit on the mug rug!

Buddha Mug

You can see the Coventry mark on the bottom.

Kensington Buddha Mug

I've been enjoying White Peach Wuyi Oolong tea by Stash.
Yes, I know ... it's tea bags, but it's good!

Stash White Peach Oolong Tea

I keep forgetting to share the photos from my 2012 Sereni - Tea calendar.
Gorgeous photos and lovely quotes.
This is from July.

July from the Sereni-Tea Calendar
From the Brush Dance Sereni-tea calendar.

Wishing YOU well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea.


  1. Love your mug rug, Snap, and the photo and quote from your calendar is great!

  2. 24 oz is a lot of tea - will we see you floating off toward Galvaston! Cute as can be mug rug. Nice work nimble fingered one. xox

  3. Your new mug rug is adorable!

    You are so clever and talented!

    Enjoy your yummy tea!!!

  4. A mug rug! I'm smiling here!

  5. Hi Snap,
    Your mug rug is so cute. The tea quote on your calendar is one I had used in this week's tea post but I deleted it because I thought I had a few too many quotes and verses. I'll use it another week. I really like it! Thank you for coming to tea and for your nice comment. Enjoy your week.


  6. You make the cutest mug tugs! That's a lovely big mug to go on it too! That must be a great calendar.Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  7. Your mug rug is so sweet. And your cup is so unique. i would like to try that flavor of tea. Now I just have to remember to look for it! Visiting from Sandi's party. Have a fantastic day!

  8. Mug rug - very clever. I love Stash tea. It's my favorite.

  9. Cool mug rug but I'm in love with that big Buddha mug!! I like a generous mug and that one looks like it fills the bill.

  10. What a sweet mug rug. As if a good cup of tea isn't enough, you have a cute little mat for it!

  11. I loved everything in this post, Snap--yhe charming mug mat you made, the mug, the delicious tea and the lovely tea photo and quote!

  12. thanks for this inspiring post dear Snap!
    hugs and purrs
    Luna and Léia

  13. I love that mug rug, Snap! You are so creative. The Buddha mug is perfect for you. The tea sounds delicious and I use tea bags, too. I agree, some of them are so good. Did you make up the pattern for the mug rug?

  14. Hi Snap,
    Your new mug rug is lovely! How I envy your talented hands!
    An adorable post!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your generous comment.

  15. Beautiful post Snap! Your newly fashioned mug rug is very pretty! And your new mug...huge! I love the color with the image of Buddha in black. You won't run out of tea with a mug that size!
    Have a lovely day : )

  16. Hi Snap,

    Your mug rug is so adorable and very creative. There is nothing wrong with using tea bags I do it all the time. My darling hubby is more into his coffee than tea. Have a great week!

  17. I love the care you put into your tea ritual, Snap. Such loving for yourself.
    Cheers, Beautiful One !

  18. What a cute rug, Snap...adorable.
    Enjoy your tea, dear favorite is tea bags, too. :))

  19. That is my size tea mug! Sweet mug mat~ you are talented :)

  20. Oh, your mug rug is wonderful. I love your mug and the beautiful photograph and words.

    Wishing you a beautiful day.


  21. Hi Snap,
    What a cute mug rug (I'd call it a teacup rug!) I've never seen anything like it before. You are so talented! Blessings to you,

  22. It looks like you need to make another mug rug just for that 24 oz puppy! I should get me some of those as my cups and glasses of tea sweat terribly onto various and assorted surfaces.

  23. Love it! Now I've got to keep going to see if you linked to a pattern somewhere...


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