Thursday, July 26, 2012

Good Morning!

Buddha Mug


  1. Have you ever seen the movie "Grey Owl" about the Englishman who passed himself off as a native Indian in the wilds of Canada? Pierce Brosnan was great in it. Anyway, at the end of the movie, an Indian elder (who easily sees through his deception) says to Grey Owl -- "A man becomes what he dreams. You have dreamed well."

  2. Well said! In the Bible it says, as a man thinketh so he becomes or something like that.

  3. Your mug rug is just adorable! It would sure go in my kitchen. :-) What a good reminder on your post today.

  4. So true!

    I saw the movie mentioned in the first comment, "Grey Owl"...what a great quote with the same general meaning.

  5. As Pat said, this is a great 'truism'.... Thanks for sharing.

  6. A good message to ponder over when having a breakfast mug of good old English tea.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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