Friday, February 24, 2012

Some Joy

Red, Red Robin

1. While walking to my Village for lunch, I saw my first robin of the season. I stopped for a while and let him sing to me for a few minutes. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me.

2. The college baseball season has started and my Owls are 4 - 0. It is so nice to see all my baseball buddies and to get back into the excitement of watching these talented and intelligent young men play baseball. 

3. I'm fortunate that people ask how I'm doing and I say "okay, thank you for asking". I'm sure many are nervous. They wonder what they should say to me. They wonder what I will reply to their question. I like the ones who say "I miss him, too". I take joy in knowing how many lives he touched.


4. I'm also learning that's it's okay to not be okay. I'm still standing and that's what's important. Thank you Tiny Buddha for your words of wisdom.

5. I love the sound of Cassie purring while she perches on my  chest and shoulder. She is so soft and loves being petted. She is definitely a Momma's girl.

For those looking for a postcard,
here's one that celebrates the coming of Spring.

Thank you Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday!

Tulip Postcard

From the back of the postcard: 
"Fields of blooming tulips are the product of hundreds of years of accumulated wisdom, business savvy, and plain hard work.
Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm, Woodburn, Oregon"
The photograph was taken by Jon Gnass/Gnass Photo Images

Visiting the Pacific Northwest and some of the tulip farms is on my list!

Wishing you Well and a JOY filled weekend.


  1. Good morning Snap!

    The first robin is always exciting!

    I appreciate your words on the comments and questions folks say to you. Many have and will walk in your steps and some will remember your words and press on. I particularly like "I miss him, too".

    What a sweet comfort Cassie brings with her pretty little face.

    Can't help but be cheered seeing the field of colorful tulips :)

  2. Hi Snap,
    It is indeed a wonderful moment to see the red robin. He was close to me and my puppy two weeks ago, when I worked in the garden thinking spring had arrived. The frost and snow had yet to come. He lives in the yew hedges around here.
    People seem to be so embarrassed and uneasy when they 'think' things are difficult and not easy to be talked about. Therefore it is so nice if there are people who do, because you get so isolated with your pain.
    I follow your blog and you are doing wonderful I read in your posts.
    We are existentially alone, but it is so nice when others touch and share our ups and downs.
    Have a wonderful weekend with your furbabies and the Owls.
    Love from Holland, Jacoba

  3. I love your pieces of joy ... they bring such a spot of sunshine and happiness. And bless those who know what to say to you ... how beautiful to simply tell you how much your beloved is missed by others as well.

    Wishing you joys small and large...and some in between!!! xoxo

  4. The offerings of "I miss him too" sound like little gifts. You seem to be moving gently one day at a time, finding beauty and pleasure along your way. I agree that it's okay not to be okay - not okay is part of life as much as being 'up'.

  5. I noticed the birds singing yesterday morning as I woke up...that's a sure sign of spring around here.

    Cassie is adorable. Our kitties love paper bags, too.

    Good friends seem to know just the right things to say. I'm sure it's comforting to know your husband touched so many people, and that they remember him fondly.

  6. I'm happy to hear you're finding joy. I was promising myself a visit to tulip fields yesterday, too, though in my case they would be in the Netherlands.

  7. Beautiful pieces of joy. I agree that it is important to give your permission to not be okay - having lost a loved one a little more than a year ago, it's still something I struggle. Everyone wants you to be okay, so treasure those friends who allow you to grieve and be sad together.

  8. what a wonderful bliss list.
    I especially love your #3. It moved me. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

  9. Ah, that postcard just fills my eyes....thank you, my dear! I needed that!

    Happy PFF!

  10. Oh, those kitties, so, so good for our tender hearts. On an "okay" day, or a "not okay" day, you are beautiful, beautiful life-loving heart, Miss Snap.
    Here's to joy in small places !

  11. We all to to grieve as well as be Ok.
    Your Cassie is sweet in that photo!

  12. How lovely, I would have loved to walk through those tulips. or tiptoe maybe. Oh your first robin. I still get a thrill when I see them return in Spring.

    I like the words, it is okay not to be okay sometimes.

    Have a beautiful weekend.

  13. Thank you for the beautiful tulip field. The bird collage is very nice also.he singing birds always cheer me up and make me thankful. Thanks for the visit.

  14. Hello Snap,

    I'm your latest follower. Lovely blog. :)

    I can look at that tulips postcard for the whole day! Too bad I've got work here at the office to do on a Saturday.

    Oh well...thanks for brightening up my sully Saturday w/ this post!

    Hope you're having a great weekend.

  15. I wish I could see in the bag at which shop you bought that cute cat... :)
    God bless you!

  16. I love the Robin drawing! I too have seen Robins recently. Isn't it a wonderful moment when you have your first spring Robin sighting! Life is good!. after having a stroke in 2009 I was able to finally return home in April of that year, and i saw a Robin! what a wonderful moment of renewal.It was so meaningful to me. today a Robin is a symbol of renewal to me. Have a great day. Ann

  17. I'm thankful you're out and about, talking to friends and have Cassie to return home to.

  18. I'm happy you are doing ok. Yes! I've seen a few robins also! Ya know what that means!!!

  19. This afternoon I saw an entire tree full of robins! There were eight or nine of them there.

    I love to see Robins this time of year--it means spring isn't far off.

    Lovely post, dear one.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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