Monday, August 8, 2011

My World: Street Art

Street Art

I was walking in my Village one Sunday morning and noticed,
painted on the control box for the traffic light,
this little guy.
Think his name is Coolidge?

To see more of the world be sure to visit Show Your World.


  1. Oh I think he is adorable!!!! Yes all paintings of flowers are from my garden, which bloomed so very late this year!

  2. Who are these clever artists? and why don't I think of these things?!

    Thanks for sharing the fun.

    Happy week too!

  3. Nice one!

    Don't worry about the old oaks, they are just protecting themselves and will come back next when the rains come. Oaks have deep tap roots, ours, even young trees, survived 8 years of drought. I know you have had little rain and your temps at the moment are in the 40's C and bound to stress plant as well as animal life. We have summers like that almost every year and the garden somehow still survives.

  4. that's pretty neat. i hope they have more of those.

  5. I love little bits of street art here and there. So much fun to spy a little surprise!

  6. Street art! I love it, even if it can be mysterious! This is fun. I will rename my fridge the Coolidge!

  7. Cute!! This is interesting because we have several of these boxes around downtown painted and graffitied too! I should snap 'em and show you :).

  8. I love stuff like this! What a sweet world we live in! Thanks for your visit to my blog! I see we both like tea!

  9. P.S. Just took a peek at your ICAD page. How very nice! wish I could comment on them individually but there is no comment line. Looks like a fun activity and you made some nice ones!

  10. OK I love the street art -- but I don't understand the Coolidge reference quite.

    I scrolled down a ways and loved the posts -- (this is my first visit) and pictures. Only now I am hungry for dim sum.

  11. I like that. Brightens up the control box.

  12. Cute street art, I love the puppy dog. Great find and photo.

  13. Love it!! I would be so excited to find something like that around here; may be worth a trip downtown to treasure hunt (when it cools off, anyway :D).

  14. That is so much fun! Someone has a great sense of humour.

  15. That's fun and a great find. Much better than the typical graffiti.

  16. I love the street art! How fun to come across one like this! Delightful capture for the day and a fun look at your world!! Have a great week!


  17. This is a cute, surprise painting to come across, Snap. It's a goodname for the virtual puppy. ;)

  18. Maybe that's where Coolidge marked his spot! I do adore how people fit art into everyday objects - one of the best places to find art!

  19. Hi Snap, I love the idea of street art. Although we do not have one like yours.

    He is a cutie, and love his name.

  20. Cute little guy, isn't he???? What a nice painting.... Love the name you picked out.

  21. That dog has shown up on similar boxes in our neighborhood too. I wonder what that means.

  22. Those utility boxes need a bit of art and this is a nice example. Sortof Banksy looking.

  23. What a great little drawing!

  24. something to make the pedestrians smile.:p

  25. Beautifully painted... almost looks embossed.

  26. He is adorable! Wonderful street art.

  27. Hi there - I think these stencil artists are great. Some people seem to think that it is vandalism - but do they really think that the grey metal box in your picture is not better looking with a dog on it?!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog - if you have time you may enjoy my "other blog" as well - click on the tab at the top of my photo-blog and off you go!


    Stewart M - Australia

  28. hallo dragon lady,

    what a happy snap, I really like it.
    I also like your profile very much. You sound like my kind of lady.


  29. That's a real cute street art !

  30. Very well painted street art!

    Carolina Mts

  31. Awesome! Looks like a guard dog to me :-)

  32. What a great picture and a great idea too.

    I used to have a Boston...I miss her after seeing this. They are so cute!

    Best wishes for a wonderful week,

  33. nice artwork. And glad you noticed. :)

  34. What a pleasant surprise to see something like this when out for a walk!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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