Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Treat Each Year

I love hand made objects. They have a certain spirit to them.
Each year I go to the student art sale at the Glassell school.
Each year it is my goal to come home with one tea cup.
Sometimes I come  home with a little something extra.
This year I came home with the kitty print.
His name is Emeril!
I thought he looks a lot like my Teddy.


The  tea pot came from Glassell, but not this year.
This is the new tea cup.
It is hand thrown porcelain and is very thin.

Tea Cup

I have criteria for the perfect tea cup.
It must be pleasing to my eye.
It must feel good.
It must feel good in my hands.
And, IT must have a good feel.
You know ... the spirit of the cup .. the feeling of the artist and the clay.
It's there! 

Some years I've picked up a cup and put it right back down.
Not this year. 
I knew immediately ... before I touched it ... that it was the one.
It called to me and I brought it home.


Just like the kitty print.
He called and I listened!

Thanks to our tea party hostesses.
These are just a few of the tea parties in the Land of Blog.

Wishing YOU well and a wonderful cup of tea.

Don't forget.


  1. I'm a cat lover too and this print is wonderful. I also love the tea pot and cup. I like to drink from a thin rim. Glad you found just the perfect one. Have a great afternoon.

  2. Hi Snap!
    Thanks for having tea with me today!

    Love your cat portrait - we just got a new little kitten (11 months) for our son who just graduated. He is a cat-loving boy and his dear cat went missing in February. She is so sweet and little.

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. The Kitty is STRIKING! No wonder you bought it....those eyes!

    And the cup is a bit Aztec with the coloring and swoosh. Love how the lip dips a bit.

    Have a lovely cuppa!

  4. We must be diligent and vigilant to listen. Funny how something so natural needs attention. Oh, but I do love the print.

  5. Hi Snap,
    love the Kitty on the print. Looks so curious and ready for playing. Your tea cup is beautiful in its own way. Every Japanese would love it for the shape an decoration. And Japanese are real professionals with tea.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  6. Hi Snap
    The kitty print is nice and your new cup for tea will be special, knowing loving hands made it.
    When I'm looking for a teacup to add to my small collection, it must speak to me too by being pretty, different than what I already have and convince me I should choose it.
    Enjoy your new purchases.

  7. The kitty print is great! You know I love kitties, too. And your new tea cup looks wonderful. I understand about it having to feel right in your hands.

  8. Great criteria for selecting a tea cup.

  9. oh wow, i absolutely love the teapot, i agree about things have spirits on them, the cup is so unique and the yellow/orange design on it looks like a chinese koi fish which is a good sign, and emeril/kitty print is sooo cuteee!! love the photo, happy tea time tuesday! x susan

  10. Two good choices. It's funny that you should talk about IT having to feel good - I get it completely. I need to feel that whatever I have around me has a good feeling about it - pretty alone just doesn't do it for me.

  11. I know what you mean about a good feel in the hand and that IT feel good too! I choose like that as well. It looks like it is very thin. I always think tea taste best in thin cups.
    The kitty print is precious too.

  12. Great picks! I love a great student art sale.

  13. It's very unique and I love the teapot!

  14. wonderful kitty print! I love your process about selecting the cup, it was an exploration of all your senses...xox corrine

  15. Hi Snap,
    The kitty print is wonderful and I love the tea cup too.
    I agree with the cup feeling just right. Somehow you know when it is in your hands.
    Thank you for sharing your Tea Tuesday.
    XO from Texas, Celestina Marie

  16. cool cup and kitty rocks! have a great week!

  17. Hi Snap,
    Your kitty print is very cute and I can see why you had to have it. Doesn't it make you feel good when you find just the right cup? Thanks for sharing yours with Tea Time and have a lovely day.


  18. That kitty print is adorable indeed and the porcelain as well!
    Beautiful pictures!
    Léia and little LUNA

  19. Everything is beautiful about this post. Your words, the images and the message to listen.
    Thank you for that, Lovely One.

  20. Hi, Thank you for stopping by my blog. Sorry I am so late getting around to visiting. That is a very interesting mug and even more interesting criteria for selecting. You are so like me, something has to "speak" to me, to my heart for me to know it is right, then watch out, lol. We were in Nashville, IN last Fall, it is a huge artistic community and I found mugs I had never seen before. Instead of handles, you slid you hand into an opening, like an oven mitt. Great way to warm up a cold hand too. It spoke to me, but I hesitated as this was a long trip and I am on a retirement budget and in the end I passed it up and yup, think of that mug all the time. It is back there calling to me still. Charming post. Thank you. Blessings.

  21. Hi Snap: I so late this week in visiting. Thanks so much for sharing that beautiful tea cup. I have never thought of they way you choose cups. I just go by looks. I am going to think differently from now on. Have a good weekend. Blessings, Martha


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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