Friday, April 8, 2011

This and That

Today is a This and That Day.
One of those spur of the moment thought days.
Get ready for a long post!

But first, it's Friday and that means Postcard Friendship Friday.
April means spring and Easter.
Here's the first card in an Easter Rabbit Postcard Book published by 
Darling & Company in Seattle.

Quite a handsome guy with his egg drum and he looks as if he's been off to war!?!
All of the postcards reproduced in the book are from the first 25 years
of the 20th century, the grand age of postcards.
Unfortunately, the artist of this card is listed as unknown.


On Facebook yesterday, I ran across
over at the Elephant Journal.

It was hard to pick a favorite.
Hug Your Pet ranked near the top.
Did you know there is a study that shows animal companions
release a love hormone when played with and cuddled -- and so does the cuddler!

Another one:
Go from inanimate to animate.
For all the daylight hours of a single day, treat everything that you think is
inanimate, animate! 

And one more (you should really go and read the list yourself!):
Be Me-Kind:
Everytime you look in the mirror, make a promise to be kind to yourself.

Oh, and don't forget to wear sunscreen!


Isn't mail call wonderful!
This little guy arrived in February ... just when I needed a little lift.
Mandy Saile is the artist and Mandy, please forgive for being so late for 
thanking you on my blog.

"This sweet and whimsical "Tiny Bird"
series by Canadian artist Mandy Saile pays homage to the
natural world that provides her with so much inspiration."

Please drop by and visit Mandy (and the bunnies) at Bijous Whimsy.


Finally, are you old enough to remember a song sung by Nat King Cole
"Smile Though Your Heart is Aching"?
For some reason, it was running through my brain last night.
Perhaps because I did a lot of smiling and remembering yesterday.
Here are the lyrics.

Smile though your heart is aching 
Smile even though it's breaking 
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by 
If you smile through your fear and sorrow 
Smile and maybe tomorrow 
You'll see the sun come shining through for you 
Light up your face with gladness 
Hide every trace of sadness 
Although a tear may be ever so near 
That's the time you must keep on trying 
Smile, what's the use of crying? 
You'll find that life is still worthwhile 
If you just smile 

That's the time you must keep on trying 
Smile, what's the use of crying? 
You'll find that life is still worthwhile 
If you just smile


Wishing you Well and Joy filled weekend!


  1. Good morning hon!! I love this up and happy! I needed that this morning..even though it is Friday..and I have the day off! Was just a nice way to start the morning!
    I love vintage holiday fun!
    The little bird..OMG that is to see her sites:)
    The song..well I totally agree..always loved this one..makes me think of Gene Kelly for some reason..hmmmmmm. :)
    Hugs to you hon, Sarah

  2. I love all the "this and that" -- it's like having a chat over a steaming cup of tea and catching up on all the news!

    Hugging pets -- yes, this one I have known for a long time -- that we all (including the pets!) benefit from that cuddling.

    And I am taking to heart your request that when we look in a mirror we smile at surely does make a huge difference.

    Enjoy your weekend beautiful lady!! ♥

  3. Yes, I know that song and can hear him sing it, in my mind. I'm sure there are times when you put a smile on your face but really wish to pull a blanket over your head. I look at your posts and think about your resilience and know that this is something that you must work at. You are really something!
    Thinking of you....

  4. Hi Dear Snap,

    Oh no need to won the giveaway silly and I was happy to send it to you in a time where you needed any extra little cheer or pick me up...a blog mention wasn't necessary but it sure is appreciated...thanks so much.

    I hope your days are feeling brighter...and that your being extra kind to your lovely self.

    I'll be by again most definiately.

    Be well Dear Snap and thanks again for the shout out.

    XO Mandy and the Bunnies.

  5. I am old enough to remember that song and Nat King Cole's wonderful voice. I have a CD - and even an old vinyl (Yes, I'm old enough for that, too!) - with Cole singing that song and many of my other favorites. By the way, my all-time favorite Cole song and my nomination for the most perfect song ever written is Hoagy Carmichael's "Stardust." Thanks for reminding me of all that. Happy weekend!

  6. Snap,

    I love a this and that post. It sort of puts everything together. I remember that song well and have sung it myself.

    Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by.


  7. I love the drum that's also an egg. Very clever!

  8. fascinating post...i love that first card with the drum looking like the egg yolk - very clever image! happy PFF!

  9. Hi Snap, Gorgeous postcard of the bunny playing his egg drum.... I love it.

    Love the little birdie picture also... Cute!!!!

    Love that song... It's always been one of my fav's.

  10. Hi Snap, I like to picture you smiling (while cuddling Ms Cassie).

  11. I never got any easter related postcard yet,hopefully soon!!!

    Happy Postcard Friendship Friday

  12. I love the rabbit Easter card, even if I can't help wondering about how long the egg must have been cooked. :)

  13. I came to visit your postcard, but stayed for the whole post. I enjoyed the song. Thanks.

  14. Wonderful gem of a little card at the bottom!

  15. Happy PFF, and I like the rabbit card too. Glad I stayed for the this and that. Let's both smile in the mirror at ourselves.
    tkae care, viridian

  16. Love the drummer rabbit! Cute that he is beating an egg. Happy PFF.

  17. What a wonderful post! Don't you just love the bunny playing the half-egg-with-yolk drum thingie? Fun!

    Have a nice weekend.

    Postcards Crossing

  18. I love that song, Snap!

    Thanks for sharing your favorites from the list, too. Hugging my animal companion is something I try to do multiple times a day. I wish my kids were as willing. (The youngest one still loves hugs at least.)

  19. lovely eater card, don't get any easter card yet! great post and you made me sing! *smile*

    -Postcrossing Mom

  20. I am old enough to remember that I liked the Petula Clark version....Great song. I love the info on oomph up your life, thanks for sharing. xox Corrine


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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