Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's Getting Hot!

In typical south Texas fashion, we are moving quickly to summer.
Hot and humid and no rain.
Drought conditions.
I find myself in the garden in the early morning making sure all my babies 
are watered, the fountains cleaned and the water fresh for the birds and squirrels.

Mosaic Musashi's Garden

The trumpet vines are slowing down.

Mosaic Musashi's Garden

The Knockout roses are still knockouts.

Mosaic Musashi's Garden

One of my favorite garden ornaments is the snail.
Too bad all the snails in the garden don't look like this.

Thank you to Mary for being our Mosaic Monday hostess.

Wishing you WELL and a JOY filled week.


  1. Your garden already looks like summer, Snap. I like your ornamental snail, too.

  2. It's gotten hot here also, Snap... We've been in the 80's for the past 2 days... That's summer weather for us..

    Gorgeous collages.. Thanks.

  3. Summer temperatures come early for you. Beautiful flower pictures, but I too love the snail. Enjoy your week and take care:)

  4. Lovely blooms! Happy Spring.
    Be a sweetie and thanks for popping over,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Beautiful mosaic with such lovely and colorful flowers.

  6. SO pretty, you'd never know there was drought. Gorgeous garden, love the snail!

  7. Beautiful mosaic. We are now where near hot or humid here. Enjoy your week!

  8. Yes, if all the snails looked so cute I'd not mind them at all. I have got to look into knockout roses. Everyone raves about them and they are always so beautiful. Hope that the temps lower enough to be pleasant and that a gentle shower or two comes your way.

  9. You have such a beautiful garden! We further up north have yet to reach "hot" temperatures but know they are on the way! Stay cool!! xo

  10. lovely mosaics of your beautiful garden - thank you for sharing.
    You are entering summer, and we are just starting to leave it behind. It is raining here today - amazing after a long dry summer.

  11. Your mosaic is lovely.... And your garden seems so peaceful. I would love to settle in with a good book (before it gets too hot and humid!).

  12. Texas doesn't waste ant time getting hot. I saw your temps...and heard about the fires. Not a good start to tje season. Garden pics are fantastic as usual, that rose sure is a knockout! xox Corrime

  13. You have lots of flowers
    Wow !!!!
    Its here also (for us) warm ;)
    22C for Dutch warm on april !!!

    Enjoy from spring and your beautiful flowers.


  14. I love that snail as well!
    Your collages are beautiful!
    purrs and love
    Luna and mommy Léia

  15. Yikes, you're worried about summer and it's barely spring here!

    Love the bright colours of the flowers. They make fantastic mosaics.

  16. That is the prettiest snail I've ever seen and if the real ones looked like it, we'd never squish them. :-)

  17. Good morning and thank you for visiting! :) I was wondering about the trumpet vine in your area. Is it invasive in Texas, as I know it can be in some areas? Here in Edmonton we are lucky to have it overwinter. Do you have any photos of your vine?

    Stay cool.

    The Gardening Life

  18. Hi! Your mosaics are interesting. You are right about the snail. It's such a delight to look at.

  19. Your Spring flowers are a knockout! Don't complain about the warm temps. as many of us are not so lucky..Spring is slowly coming back.
    I know this to be true as I just returned from +90F temps to 9C Cold!
    Enjoy your lovely temps in Texas!

  20. glorious flowers, something I desperately wanted to see.

  21. I heard about your recent hot weather in Texas! I hope we don't see weather in the 90s for a while yet because when it gets hot here it also gets humid.

    I love that snail and your garden flowers are beautiful!

  22. You are so very far ahead of us up here! I can't wait to smell roses and feel real heat on the top of my head.

  23. I love your snail! He is very fashionable to say the least. Lucky you already in your garden. It i s again rainy and cold, can"t even start to work in the soil here.Ack!!!!

  24. Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers. That dark pink rose is gorgeous.
    Enjoy your evening.

  25. I love knock out roses ...they are so pretty and long blooming. We are just beginning to warm up around here...I just hope it doesn't heat up too much!

  26. So jealous of all your floral pictures, Indiana is still drab and dreary... Great mosaics! :)

  27. Hmmm, the heat and humidity, lack of precipitation, all speak different things to you than to us Nor-Easterners! But, I can appreciate the very fact of extremes, it's just your extremes are extremely different than mine!!! I do love seeing your florals and growth *sigh*, it's medicine to me soul. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Beautiful mosaics, Snap. It was hot up here, too, for a day or two before the cold front moved through. It's a comfortable 65 degrees as I write this.

  29. Hi there and thanks for visiting my blog. Your flowers look lovely even if it is hot! I want to plant knock out roses this year...I can hardly wait to dig out some old shrubs and get them in the ground. You have inpsired me! ~Ann

  30. I love your mosaic turtle! He is so cute!~

  31. Beautiful shots! We are warming up too..but not too fast. :)


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