Saturday, March 19, 2011

Trouble ... Who Me?????

Mom, look at the pretty new flowers!!!

Cassie and Flowers

Did you bring them home just for me?

Cassie and Flowers

I promise I won't hurt them!

Camera Critters is hosted each week by the lovely Misty.

Wishing you well and a JOY filled weekend.


  1. Oh Cassie, sweet friend, for sure you won't hurt the lovely flowers!You are a doll!
    All love and purrs to you and your adorable mommy.
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  2. What a pretty cat! I wish you a happy weekend too.

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, be still my heart!!! I simply L♥VE Siamese. I had one for over 25 years...she even retired with us from Colorado when we relocated to AZ. So very precious is your post.

    My Saturday link:
    Sister's Day

    Have a super weekend!! And, thanks for visiting with me.

  4. That innocent face!....but I'm sure there'll be action when your back is turned!

  5. How could you NOT trust that innocent little face? Hahahahahaha!

  6. I can't decide which is more beautiful -- your cat or the yellow calla lilies. Love'em both.

  7. Gorgeous flowers and what an expressive look on your kitty's sweet face.

  8. That face, that face, that fabulous face. And the flowers are gorgeous too....xox Corrine

  9. Oh, in my mind I was about to scold her - then I saw those eyes - then I melted! All flowers are put on cat-proof surfaces in our house. Cute post!

  10. Hello sweetheart Cassie
    you are look-a-like on Betsie :P
    So sweet to see that you are helping your mom!!!
    Enjoy from the flowers
    it brings happines in your house :))

    Hugs to all from us all :-)

  11. LOL, what a pair of beautiful shinny eyes and she does seem to be saying that! Wonderful photos.

  12. When my little guy makes that sweet face...........I get REAL suspicious lol.

  13. Oh, oh, oh. How do you spell "trouble"? C-A-S-S-I-E! She looks like she keeps you busy! And full of love. Mr. Dragon is celebrating his birthday with you in the stars. Listen carefully, you will hear the song...

  14. Oh my, Cassie is growing into a gorgeous cat! These photos are so wonderful!

  15. Look at that cat so appreciative with beautiful flowers

  16. What a precious little sweetie! Great photo. Cheers from S.E. Ontario Cottage Country!

  17. I love the expression on her face!

  18. Now this kitty looks a bit mischievous. I don't think I would trust that promise. Pretty kitty!

  19. Cassie is really growing, and I see she's a flower-lover, too!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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