Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blooming in Musashi's Garden!

I've been working in the garden.
Geraniums are in pots on the balcony.
Tomatoes are planted.
Green beans are coming up and Musashi's Garden is blooming.

DragonLady Trumpet Vine

The west fence is covered by this trumpet vine ... common name Dragon Lady!

Mosaic Musahi's Garden

Musashi's Garden smells like orange blossoms with all the small citrus trees blooming.

Musashi's Garden Mosaic

Red and white camellias, dianthus and blooming citrus.
The Japanese maple is bursting out as is the crape myrtle.

What fun! 

Wishing you WELL and a JOY filled week.

Mary is the wonderful hostess for Mosaic Monday.

Seasonal Sunday can be found at The Tablescaper.

"Sadness is but a wall between two gardens."
~Khalil Gibran


  1. Just gorgeous! I have tried to grow Trumpet vine here but haven't had much success. I'm going to try again this year, but in a different spot. I'm in love with the colour.

  2. Gorgeous! Food for the soul. I love the Gibran quote.

  3. Not quite yet time for any flowers in the garden in Toronto but soon, I know it will be soon. In the meantime I have enjoyed looking at these...fills me with possibility!

  4. Beautiful flowers, how stunning for the 1st day of Spring.

  5. Beautiful mosaics, Snap. What a lovely place your garden must be. My mother's favorite scent (and one of mine) was that of Orange Blossom; I can't think of the fragrance without thinking of her.

    Wishing you a joy-filled week, as well. {{{Snap}}}

  6. Gorgeous! We need to plant our tomatoes soon. It's still 50 degrees here.

  7. I want to weep with joy to see those colours. Ah, you have restored my spirit. I saw a lot of green today - at our St. Paddy's day parade!

  8. Wow! The trumpet vine is beautiful! The blooms in Musashi's Garden are very pretty!

  9. Those are really great photos of your flowers. The color combination is inspirational!


  10. Just gorgeous and thank you so much for your visit!

  11. Your colors on the mosaic are so vivid contrasted with the white. Houston must be in full bloom!

  12. Oh, wow! I am so longing for spring and flowers. These are gorgeous!

  13. Such gorgeous flowers. Spring is upon us. Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  14. Stunning photos. So colourful, I love it.

  15. What a lovely garden, I can almost smell the orange blossoms. The sun is out here and the daffodils are blooming along with primroses. Everything else is still snoozing. You have been a busy gal with all that planting.

  16. What beautiful flowers in your mosaics! Happy Spring to you!

  17. Gorgeous! Your flowers are stunning!
    Can't wait for good summer tomatoes :)

  18. Just beautiful! I love the red and white mosaic with the close-ups.

  19. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Wonderful mosaics!!! Wishing you a grand week! Cathy

  20. I've never seen a trumpet vine but it's a lovely plant. Thanks for sharing your spring flowers with those of us who are waiting and waiting...

  21. Musashi's Garden is so beautiful, Snap! The Red and white camellias must smell amazing. I love your mosiacs!

  22. Such beautiful and exotically different flowers! I haven't read Gibran since college. Wonderful post.

  23. How beautiful! I am jealous. 2 more months before we can plant!
    Have a great week!

  24. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Thank you!! Cathy

  25. Such beautiful blooms! We woke up to a coating of SNOW this morning!


  26. I envy you since you have such gorgeous flowers to feast the eyes.

    Gorgeous mosaic!

  27. Camelia's are such delicate flowers, they remind me of my grandmother.Beautiful photo's!

  28. Makes me smile to see such lovely flowers and in crimsons and whites. Those are amazing trumpet flowers!

  29. Gorgeous color and shape. And you're already gardening...we have a ways to go before starting.

  30. Happy Spring, Snap! This has to be the best time of year, don't you think?

    Your garden is so lovely - thanks for sharing it with us.



  31. I am soooo jealous of your gorgeous flowers... We still have about 2 feet of snow on the ground, though that has started to melt. :) Maybe in a month or so, I can actually start doing stuff outside!

  32. Such gorgeous flowers and great photography. V

  33. What spectacular colors. xox Corrine

  34. Gorgeous flowers and mosaics! Your garden must be delightful. :)

  35. Your trumpet vine really has a lot of blooms! And that white flower with the red center is so unusual! I love it! Beautiful mosaics! I'm having a giveaway..hope you'll stop by again soon! ♥

  36. Beautiful pictures! Your last collage is breathtaking! Thanks a lot!
    Luna and mommy Léia

  37. Having joined Mosaic Monday this week I am now enjoying blog hopping around the world admiring everyone else's beautiful photography and gaining inspiration. It cheers me when so much of the world around us is in turmoil for one reason or another.

    I love your gardening mosaic this week, that trumpet vine is splendid.

  38. I was also working in my garden
    but its cold here
    spring is started but its early !!!
    Love your pictures :-0

    Hugs to all
    Kareltje =^.^= ♥ Betsie >^.^<

  39. Oh, Wow! The photos are gorgeous! Your trumpet vine flowers are similar to the ones I have but the leaves are very different.

    So much pretty to see in this post!

  40. Omigosh -- simply gorgeous! There is no other word for it. Thank yo from the bottom of my heart for posting these beauties! xoxo

  41. Ah, I found your trumpet vine! It is so lovely smothered in blooms!!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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