Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I found this while cleaning out Mr. Dragon's closet. 
It was taken June, 1997.

I can smile through the tears and remember............

Strong back, soft heart


  1. Snap,

    I am so sorry. After I lost my first husband my mantra became "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened."

    Take care.


  2. What a beautiful memory -- and so touching that you found it while cleaning his closet. A little message from Mr. Dragon to say "hello love...I'm with you still" ♥

  3. Just what memories are for...
    Love and light, Beautiful Snap !

  4. Yes you can, so in love. xox Corrine

  5. A beautiful photo of a beautiful couple! Wishing you heart's ease.

  6. Such a sweet memory. I think he wanted you to find it. Cherish all those wonderful times sweet friend. I am sending you hugs. Sharon

  7. Oh Snap, What a wonderful picture of the two of you... I love what Carol at Serendipity said... NEAT...

    Prayers are still with you, my friend.

  8. I know how you are feeling Snap !!!
    So LOVELY picture
    we will never forget such a nice moments with our husband.
    Send you lots of love and hugs
    and i'm thinking on you !!!

  9. What a great photo to find amongst his things. It was important to him and I can see look so beautiful and so happy.

    Sending you big hugs.

  10. What a terrific photo of both of you. So often in a couple one is looking odd or has his/her eyes closed, but this one is special (as you well know), you both have a special look about you that nevertheless links you. Yes, wonderful memories.

  11. They say pictures say a thousand words and this one says LOVE all the way. What a great picture!

  12. Such a beautiful photo - the love and delight on your Mr Dragon's face say it all!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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