Sunday, March 13, 2011

Eating of the Green!

I'll be wearing green on St. Patrick's Day and I'll also be eating green!

Better Homes and Gardens has some wonderful recipes for St. Patrick's Day.

Mosaic St. Patrick Feast

MidWest Living has some wonderful recipes, too.

Feast St. Paddy Mosaic
MidWest Living

I'm having shredded brussel sprouts with bacon along with my corned beef.

Here's a nice stew recipe for you:

-  1 pound boneless lamb or boneless beef chuck roast, cut into 3/4 inch pieces
-  4 cups beef broth
-  2 medium onions, cut into wedges
-  1/4 teaspoon pepper 
-  1 bay leaf
-  4 medium potatoes (peeled and quartered)
-  6 medium carrots, sliced 1/2 inch thick (3 cups)
-  1/2 tsp. dried thyme, crushed
-  1/4 tsp. dried basil, crushed
-  1/2 cup cold water
-  1/4 cup all-purpose flour
-  Sprigs of fresh thyme (optional)


1. In a large saucepan, combine lamb or beef, beef broth, onions, pepper and bay leaf. Bring to boiling and reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 45 minutes. Skim off the fat.

2. Add the potatoes, carrots, dried thyme and basil. Bring to boiling and reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 30 to 35 minutes more or till vegetables are tender. Remove bay leaf and discard.

3. Stir together the cold water and the flour. Stir into the stew. Cook and stir until thickened and bubbly. Cook and stir for one minute more. Season to taste with some salt and pepper. Garnish with the thyme, if you like. Makes 6 servings. 

(I always add a little wine (!!!) and it always tastes better the next day.)

A BIG thank you to Mary for being our hostess for Mosaic Monday.

Wishing you well and a JOY filled week!


  1. I could eat that stew right now -- it's damp and chilly and a perfect day for stew...

    Mind you -- shredded brussels sprouts and bacon sounds mighty good too!!!

  2. HB always has corned beef and cabbage on St Patrick's Day. I'll share some of these recipes with him. I won't be eating with him but I will wear green in honor of the day.

  3. Hi Snap, Hope you are doing okay.. I think about you often. I know how much you must miss your sweetheart.

    Beautiful mosaics.. I have Irish in me ---so we'll be celebrating on St. Patty's Day also. Great recipe.


  4. The food photos are great... they make me feel hungry although I've just returned from a wonderful church reception with lots and lots of yummy food. Of course, I had a little bit of everything... which amounted to a whole plate full.

    The stew recipe sounds wonderful and will definitely make its way into my recipe collection. Thanks.

  5. Sounds like a great green meal! Can Saint Patrick's Day really be only four days away? :))

    Wishing ye smiles, wishing ye laughter
    Wishing ye health and joy ever after!

  6. St. Paddy's day is special to me as my mother came from Ireland. Love the mosaics, so yummy looking.

  7. Very cool mosaics...and a great recipe! It doesn't get any better than that! Thanks! ♥

  8. Well your tasty post reminded me I need to iron my green blouse to wear on St. Patricks Day. Thanks!

    Great ideas on what to eat as well. I've always heard brussel sprouts and bacon went great together, hmmm, might have to try that out!

  9. It all looks delicious! But Corned Beef with Brussels Sprouts and Bacon sounds so good! Happy St Patrick's Day!

  10. Great mosaics, so yummy! Have a good week!

  11. Lovely mosaic of Irish treats! The green cupcakes look especially good. I love the sound or the shredded Brussels sprouts and corned beef too :)

  12. All those photos of Irish food look so good.
    The stew sounds yummy. We've always tried to have corned beef and cabbage although the corned beef these days has more fat than meat.

  13. You had me at shredded Brussels sprouts and bacon, yum!

  14. I always make a "boiled dinner" of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots for St. Pat's. It's a tradition! I'll love checking out the other recipes for other days of the week ...thanks for the sites, Snap!

  15. Love my corned beef ... with shredded cabbage, mushy green peas and loads of mash! Delicious! Delicious mosaic too! Enjoy your St Paddy's Day feast.

  16. Snap,

    It all looks so good. I visit blogs very early in the morning and looking at all this wonderful food makes me just starving but gives me all sorts of ideas for upcoming meals! I love brussel sprouts!

    Have a great week!


  17. Oh your mosaic looks so delicious. The green cupcake was a highlight for me. Love cupcakes. V

  18. Hi there this is my first time joining in with Monday Mosaic and I am now hopping around from Italy viewing all the wonderful blogs that join in. A nice St Patricks Day tribute.

  19. Brussell sprouts and bacon, yum. Soda bread and wonderful cabbage, and the cupcakes are not too shabby looking either. xox Corrine

  20. My parents always had corned beed and cabbage on St. Patrick’s Day and I have carried on the tradition for years. It is one of my favorite dishes. Your collage is a yummy one and so nicely organized.It is obvious you are a very good cook!

  21. Oh..oh..
    it looks all so yummieee........
    I come over for dinner :-)

    Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<
    Anya :)

  22. The stew recipe sounds great! The mosaic photos are fantastic too! I haven't much Irish blood in me but those dishes sure do look wonderful!

  23. Hmmm looks delicious!
    It's a nice tradition about St. Patrick's day!I need to confess that I don't know much about it, but I'm learning! Thanks so much!
    Léia and little Luna

  24. Mmmmm, EVERYTHING tastes better with bacon. :) Have a wonderful meal, though it definitely looks like you will.


  25. There are some awfully delicious photos there. Happy St. Patrick's Day!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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