Friday, January 14, 2011

Winter Dreams

So many of you are dealing with winter issues.
Snow, snow and more snow.
Cold, cold and more cold.

When I saw this snowy postcard I knew it was the one for 

This is a postcard from another of the wonderful Pomegranate postcard books -
this one on Charles Addams.

Addams (1912-1989) worked mainly in black and white, using ink wash to great and spooky effect, but he turned out the occasional colorful New Yorker cover. 

"A three-time college dropout, Charles Addams was nevertheless an erudite, urbane, and - leaving aside his substantial collection of medieval weaponry - evidently quite normal man. The New Yorker published its first Chas Addams cartoon in the early thirties, and a few years later signed him on as a salaried artist at $35 a week. Nearly all of his 1,300 published cartoons appeared in The New Yorker over the course of a 50 year career.

Addams is probably most closely associated with the wraiths, ghoouls, thugs, and toadlike children who populate a desolate Victorian mansion - the characters, initially unnamed by their creator, who became known as the Addams Family. Gomez, Morticia, and their sinister servants and feral offspring gave rise to a silly but fondly remembered television show and two silly and very funny movies."

From Chas Addams: A Book of Postcards published by Pomegranate.

I'll spend the rest of the day humming the theme song to the Addams family!

A big thank you to Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.

Wishing you well, a Joy filled weekend, and some sun to warm you!


  1. LOL I loooove that! I have always loved his surprise there I guess. This one struck gold with me...I so want to do that..just bask in the sun with all the glittery stuff outside! But only for a day..cause I love the winter!
    Sending hugs your way ..can I do anything for ya hon? Love, Sarah

  2. Oh yes, that's me in the solarium, fully sunscreened, of course. Wonderful things I learn from you. $35 a week! I think a lot of artists today would be tickled to be making that now! Happy Friday and weekend, Snap.

  3. Once again, I've learned something by visiting with you. I knew "of" Chas Addams but knew nothing about him other than the obvious Addams Family. What an interesting character. And the postcard is lovely....the perfect way to enjoy the snow!

  4. How fun! I loved The Addams Family. Nice to know how it started.

  5. I would love a sunroom like this! :) I recognized Adams style right away. He had so many of his cartoons in the New Yorker magazine over the years! I also love Pomeganate stationery and journals.

  6. HAH, oh great, now I'll be humming the theme song to the Addams Family! conmplete with snaps...

    I love the post card...I need the warmth right now; not a very good winter person which is why I live in NC :) Enjoy your day!.

  7. Love Addams, he never fails to amuse. I could do with a solarium like that, I've had enough of winter.

  8. That looks like a great way to enjoy the winter sunshine.

  9. If you can create your little sunny paradise, a bubble in a winterstorm - great! :)

  10. Isn't that just perfect for this time of year! No need for S A D there.

  11. Howdy Snap
    Happy PFF to you !
    Great postcard and I really enjoyed all the background information as an added bonus.
    Thank you for this special treat.
    Now I only have one question how do I stop snapping my fingers to that all too familiar tune ???
    Seriously I had a wonderful time reading your post today :)
    Have a fabulous rest of the weekend .
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  12. I heard on the news that 49 states now have snow. Only FL is exempt. So, yes, your card is apt!

  13. Perfect! Love the green plants. Happy PFF.

  14. That's just what my house needs this week!

    Happy PFF!

  15. Even though our name is spelled differently--- I love to play that song and say "Hello... This is the Adams' family." ha ha ha

    Yes---most of us have had snow this past week... Perfect postcard... Thanks, Snap.

  16. Although Addams is generally gloomy (but funny), this cartoon is filled with warmth. Thanks for posting.

  17. aha! Chas Addams created the Addams Family?! thanks for telling me something i didn't know...or reminding me of something i think i might have known once...but had forgotten ;-)
    happy PFF!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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