Thursday, January 13, 2011

Good Morning!


  1. I can't. I've had to stop wearing a favourite pair of earrings because they started to pinch me. My ear lobes are chubbier now! WTF?

  2. Oh, this sign is priceless!


  3. HA HA HA ---that is probably the ONLY thing I can still fit into from high school, Snap....

    How is hubby?

  4. Love it! Laughed out loud!!!

    One of my banker friends retired and bought into the ownership of a high-class clothing and accessories store. The largest size available was 12. I passed 12 a long time ago! When "C" invited me to shop at her place, I told her the only thing she had in the store that would fit me were earrings!

  5. Perfection!

    I have a friend who always says she has the same figure she had in high school....except now it's hidden under a layer of fat!

  6. That is great, belly laugh. Needed that. xox corrine

  7. Haha, awesome! I can't and high school wasn't so long ago...


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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