Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tea Cozies

The celebration of National Hot Tea Month continues!
The folks at Favorite Crafts sent out an email with lots of tea related goodies. 
You can find the patterns on their web site.

Image from Favorite Crafts

They suggest that we hold a tea party for our friends,
or just for ourselves and make some wonderful tea party accents
to celebrate this special month.

Tea Cozy Mosaic
Mosaic made from images from Favorite Crafts. You can find the patterns for these cozies there.

I do love tea cozies.
Some of the prettiest crochet cozies can be found at Crochet With Raymond.

There are so many lovely tea parties in blogland.
A few of them are:
Teacup Tuesday, Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday and Tea Time Tuesday.
A big thank you to all of our hostesses!

Wishing you well, a JOY filled week and a wonderful cup of tea!

There is the size of the leaf:
Its unique shape,
Its unique color,
Its unique fragrance,
A taste all its own.
And it changes ... sip by sip.
~Ron Rubin, Tea Chings


We are between family visits this week and looking forward to a little quiet.
Mr. Dragon is still able to go up and down the stairs,
enjoys food and has enjoyed seeing friends and family.
As he says, we will laugh, smile and enjoy life as long as we can.
Thank you for your prayers, kind thoughts, white light that you have sent to us.


  1. And what a party it is! Beautifully set and inviting too..

  2. Love the little nosegay in the teapot.

    You've stirred up my 'tea-buds' and I think that, instead of another cup of coffee, I'll brew up some tea!

  3. Tea cosies are adorable. I really like the recycled woolens ones with applique I have to admit. Glad to hear Mr. Dragon is keeping his spirits up and spending time with those he loves most. Take good care of him and YOU too. xox Corrine

  4. I love your tea posts.
    There's no drink like tea. I love my mid-morning coffee, but nothing restores like tea!

  5. Very cute cozies. They make a tea party even more special...Christine

  6. Love that teapot bouquet! I remember years ago when dried floral bouquets in teacups were all the rage.

    Btw, the recipe for the biscuits is in my recipe drop down menu (sidebar), but I've also linked to it from the post.

  7. It's so funny....! I love to crochet..in fact I'm at it all the time in the evenings...but I have never made a tea cozy before....
    you'd think, being a Tea Cup Collector, that I would have long ago thought of that,,,right! lol

    i'm your newest follower..and I'm on the Linky List...come on by and visit with me today too!

    ciao bella!
    Creative Carmelina

  8. A tea cozy is one thing I don't have and yet my Mother used to knit them years ago. Hmm, I should go shopping to see if I can find a pretty one.
    Thanks for sharing these.

  9. The tea cozies are wonderful; love the spotted one! Thanks for sharing and joining me for Tea Time Tuesday. Hope you have a wonderful week.


  10. Glad your hubby is still doing fairly well. Bless him --and all of your family, Snap.

    Every time I see a tea cozie, I always think of you.

  11. I love the tea cozies. I have been looking for one and haven't found one yet. Of course, I have been looking at thrift stores and such places. I am thinking people hold onto their cozies!

  12. Happy New Year, Snap!!

    Your place always looks like a tea party, here in your corner of Blogland. I'm fond of tea cozies too. I used to have a friend who made them from old, holey quilts. Beautiful.

    I'm glad to hear Mr D is in good spirits. I hope you are too, Dear Friend...



  13. For someone who loves tea parties like me, I just realized that I don't have a tea cosie. Thanks for sharing your mosaic of tea cosies. I will have to get one. Happy Tuesday to you too!

  14. Hi Snap,
    Good to hear that things are better and that you can move around. Enjoy your quiet together!
    Tea cozies: yes, such a source for creativity! I have a few here, but hardly ever drink tea out of a tea pot ... They are sitting there, just being beautiful!
    Have a wonderful day!

  15. Those "cozies" sure are cute! I think of you and Mr Dragon daily, Snap.

  16. I do love tea cozies as well! I love the little blue tea cups sets as well.
    I will continue to keep Mr. Dragon in my good thoughts, I wish him the very best in his healing.

  17. Hello there dear Snap!

    What a delightful and too cute tea cozies; I have a couple and love them!

    Thanks so much for joining us once again for our little corner of; 'Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland', for TTTT and also for my 66th, 'Tuesday Tea For two'.., Fun!

    P.S.~ (I posted my new photos rather 'laterish' on Silken Purse blog this week if you'd care to pop by for a wee peek and another cuppa)..,

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
    @ http://silkenpurse.blogspot.com

  18. I love tea cozies and use them often. I have made a few too and think I will try my hand at one of those shown~

    Laughing, smiling, and enjoying life as long as possible, good words , encouraging words!

  19. They are all beautiful, very charming!

  20. The tea cozies are so cute but I am really in love with the idea of a Tea pot topiary!! I may have to try to make me one of those!!


  21. Hello, I am brand new to tea parties in blogland. I never had a tea cozy. Probably because whenever I saw them on our trips, I wanted a new teacup more than a cozy. But those croqueted ones are lovely. Since I am brand new I of course do not know about your husband, but am putting him our my prayer list. Blessings.

  22. Oh how fun to see, and the tea covers are just fantastic..

  23. Very cute cozies! I need to learn to crochet.

  24. Heading to check out the links ~ thank you for posting!

    Just picked up the knitting needles and began a cowl. Simple pattern so no extra thinking required. I don't too much extra to spare lately :)

  25. Totally love those cozies ... especially the lower right corner. Wish i had a pattern to knit one--maybe I'd better go looking for one! Nice post.

  26. Lovely post. How I wish I could crochet. I would love cute tea coxy! Thank you for sharing the lizk for some patterns. Maybe you have inspired me.
    Continued healing and progress for Mr Dragon.
    Thank you for sharing with us.

  27. I am thinking of you and the mister often. <3


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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