Thursday, January 20, 2011

Good Morning!

Thinking of those of you dealing with snow ....

I do love LOL cats! 


  1. Periscope up! Ha ha! Fun times, these photos!

  2. cute and funny, made me laugh too. Cats need booties here it's so cold. The only ones who seem to be warm are the bunnies with their thick fur coats. Enjoying Molly Pink and her sleuthing, perfect read for not thinking too much. xox Corrine

  3. Love it! That cat's tail looks much like my Sweetie Pie's tail. Hers is so "question-marky" that I sometimes call her 'What?'

    No snow here, yet.

  4. hehehe FANTASTIC! :)
    but I'm sure I prefer my blanket here near the central heating!
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  5. Thanks for the thoughts for us in the snow, Miss Snap. I arrived home from FLA to a super snowly world this week. Another 6-8 for tomorrow ! Yikers ! I am thinking of just giving in to my bear instincts and sleeping and arting the next few months away...but the hubby needs his co-shoveler ! ;)
    Loving prayers to you and Mr. Dragon.

  6. Oh..oh..oh
    Snap you made me SMILE

    I love also LOL cats
    so silly and fun !!!!


    Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

    Anya ♥

  7. LOL I saw that one too. Very fitting since we have 60 inches of snow here...

  8. What a fun photo, Snap! I feel sorry for that snow bound kitty :)

    We are expecting more snow tomorrow..the never ending snow of2011!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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