Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mosaic Monday

Mary is our hostess for Mosaic Monday. Be sure you visit the Little Red House.

What kinds of things do you collect?

I have tea pots, teddy bears, dragons, bird *things*, cat *things* ... too much stuff, but it all gives me pleasure.

I remember, when I was very young, going with my Mother every year to look for salt and pepper shakers for a cousin of mine. We'd start the search for just the right set just after Christmas and put the treasure away when we found it. I can only imagine how many salt and pepper shakers she collected over the years.

When Mr. Dragon and I moved to Houston, one of the first house warming gifts we received was a chicken salt and pepper shaker. It was a gag gift (a chicken in every pot sort of thing) and boy, what that gift started!

Salt and Pepper Shaker Mosaic

I'm not sure that I have a favorite. I found the Teddy Bears at Urban Outfitters and the Parrots at Pier One. The original set is the one on the bottom left. I thought it would be easy to find others that I like at thrift stores, but haven't had much luck. I guess I'm too picky!

Have a wonderful week.

Joy to You!


  1. I have a collection of egg cups - some I love and then some that sweet peole gave me along the way that are a little mundane but the thought of my collection was their. I am always on the look out for really unusual ones ! My favorite one is in the shape of a lady's head and the egg forms the top of her bun.
    I love you bears the best I think !
    Here's to sweet little things that make us smile.

    Happy Monday, Lovely Snap !

  2. Hi Snap,
    Getting caught up with you after way too much gardening here in the Mts! Collections are a wonderful way of personalizing and telling a story about your interests. I think they make a space more interesting (except when it's time to dust...). I'm glad Mr Dragon is doing well. Don't melt in the heat!

  3. Collecting things is fun. I have birds, butterflies, fairies and cream & sugar sets.
    Always nice to view another person's collections.

  4. Your bird S&P sets are so pretty! I love little things so I have lots of little birds, dishes shaped like vegetables, beleek china pieces that have shmrocks on them, small Delft china pieces,and lots of books! :-)
    Happy Mosaic Monday

  5. Look at all your cute little twosomes! Love it. I collect bird houses and baskets!

  6. Well, it started you a cute little collection, didn't it? :) I love all of these salt and peppers! I love the Roosters and chicks myself. Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. A lovely collection! I like the parrots and the roosters.

  8. What a cute collection of shakers...makes for a cute mosaic...Happy Monday!

  9. Cool collection, such fun treasures! I like to collect cookbooks!

  10. Great mosaic! I love old salt and pepper shakers and had an aunt during my childhood that had a collection of hundreds of them in a display case.



  11. I really like the original ones. You are right to be picky. Only collect ones you love.

  12. Funny how collections get started. These are all so cute!

  13. What fun to collect S&P shakers. My grandmother collected them- wish I had all of them now! Back when I was a kid, I just saw them as silly knick-knacks. LOL
    Love your set of roosters in blue/white. Thanks for stopping by from Mary's blog. ~Sue

  14. What a great collection! I especially like those roosters!

  15. Hi! I have "small" collections of a few things...S&P Shakers, tea cups and tea pots, & musical snow globes! My paternal grandma had a huge collection of S&P shakers and she allowed us grandkids and other relatives to choose a few, at her 90th birthday party! I took about 3 pair, which I cherish!

  16. I collect Goddess statues. I didn't mean to but it just happened. One day I realized I had a collection. Now I add to it whenever I find a statue I like. Oh yes, I also collect religious 3-D cards and wiggle pictures.

  17. Let's see, books, art, designer pillows.

    Come and visit my site for a giveaway!!

    Art by Karena

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. The blue rooster jar is beautiful! You have quite a collection. I do not have a collection, but I used to collect some stamps and postcards in high school.

    Say hi to Mr. Dragon for me!

    P.S. I have two blogs. My mosaic is posted here:

    Mosaic Monday

  20. What a lovely collection, I collect the poodles.

  21. What a fabulous collection! I love the blue and white roosters!

    Best wishes for a great week,

  22. Nice collection.

    I dont have any in particular but my daughter collects littlest petshop toys.

  23. They are all so bright and colorful. Especially like the roosters in bottom right corner. Thank you for your visit. Wishing you well. Cathy

  24. Love the salt and pepper shakers! Very whimsical. When we were in Gaitlinburg, TN we noticed a store/museum dedicated to Salt & Pepper Shakers - didn't get a chance to go in!
    Hope you have a marvelous day - thanks for stopping by my blog,

  25. What a lovely collection! My mother's kitchen theme includes roosters and you have a great collection of them.

  26. Great roosters! I like them alot, especially the original.
    I collect frogs, turtles, rocks, shells, beads, and this and that. I just like 'stuff'.

  27. All of them are adorable, I do love your collection!
    Luna and mommy Léia

  28. Thanks for sharing your cute collection with us.
    Have a great week.

  29. What a great collection . Love your mosaic.I love to collect teacups

  30. Ohh, how I love to collect and your s&p collection is delightful. Since that rooster I posted about awhile ago appeared in our apt. complex I have been picking up rooster things at yard sales & thrift stores. Read: I'll use any excuse to start a new one!
    Happy lst day of summer [its reallllly humid up here!]

  31. Love your collection. Great mosaic you made of it.

  32. What a totally fun collection. How many do you have now?

  33. Twins of everything! Twins run in my family, so that's what I thought of first!

  34. This is a wonderful mosaic of your collections!

  35. I LOVE your collection! Interesting and fun! I can see why they bring you joy :)

  36. Goodness, it's been awhile since I had time to blog or catch up on blogs. I hope you and your husband are doing well.

    I love your collection! I'm not really much of a collector, but I do love my field guides.

  37. Well, there ya go...our collections..gotta love em...
    I love your blog, enjoyed it very much...

  38. Omigosh, what a wonderful collection! LOVE rooster s&p's -- I have a few of my own. :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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