Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Energy of A Home

This was in today's email. I liked it and wanted to share.

June 21, 2010
The Dwelling Pulse
Energy Of A Home

Our homes and your belongings within them all contain energy. Tend to the energy of your home as you would tend to anything you love.

Our homes are filled with energy that we create and allow to flourish. In many cases, our relationship with the pulse of our homes is passive rather than active because we do not pay particular heed to the energy that has been established. It is only when we regard these spaces as unique entities that we begin to understand why it is necessary to take charge of the energy that fills our homes. Stagnant, inharmonious energy can find its way into our dwellings through many avenues. Previous occupants, builders, visitors, and the individuals who maintain a home leave a strong energy imprint behind. Objects and symbols can also have an effect on the energy of a residence. When we are aware of all that can influence the energy of our spaces, we are empowered to create harmonious homes that do more than meet our need for shelter.

Exercising care with regard to who and what we invite into our homes is one of the easiest ways we can ensure that the energy within remains loving and supportive. It is not always possible to keep potentially harmful people and possessions from entering our homes, but we can take precautions. Individuals can be kept from private spaces like bedrooms and meditation areas, while property can be purified through cleansing or smudging. During periods of remodeling or construction, Reiki symbols and other positive imagery can be printed on surfaces that will later be covered by walls or flooring. Though hidden, these will continue to attract good energy and cleanse the existent energy. Blessings can also be drawn in plain sight, where they remind us of how potently our home's energy can affect our own.

A home can appear beautiful, comfortable, and stable while still serving as a dwelling place for negative or otherwise offensive energy. If you care for your home conscientiously and with great care, you will instinctively look beyond the surface qualities of your home when assessing how it feels. Since you actively guard your home against the intrusion of unwelcome energy, you will have the time and vigor necessary to cope with it constructively when should it appear in your midst. The spirit of your spaces will respond to your thoughtful ministrations, nurturing and supporting you for as long as you choose to reside within her walls.

For more information visit dailyom.com

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting, Snap. Since I have moved into this house, I have felt that it was "sick" in some ways. I have been more unhealthy since moving here than any other time in my life. I want to move a lot of the time, but as that isn't possible, I am always on the look out for "remedies" to help the energy in my house, especially in my bedroom and my studi where I spend the most time. Color, prayer flags, altars, positive imagery have all helped I think to get the rooms to a more healthy state. Some people may think it is a bunch of whooey, but I know it has made a difference for me and for my skeptical hubby !
    Thanks for the info. Happy Tuesday, Lovely Snap.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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