Tuesday, June 1, 2010


On June 3, I will celebrate my second year of blogging, exploring, meeting new folks, making new friends, learning new things.
It's been a whole lot of fun. I also noticed that sometime in the last month I reached 100 followers and 400+ posts. I really don't pay a lot of attention to those things, but decided since they all sort of came together at the same time, there must be some significance and so, it was time to celebrate with a little give-a-way.

Here's the deal, the give-a-way is for my followers only. There is no button to put on your blog. Blogging about the give-a-way won't get you extra points. All you have to do is leave a comment here. On Friday, June 18, I'll name the winners. There is one small *fly in the ointment* ... you must let me know what gift you would like. I've noticed that I have a lot of readers in my followers and I hope there is something here you would like. You get to choose from:
  • The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women: a portable mentor by McMeekin
  • The first three Matthew Shardlake Historical Mysteries by C. J. Sansom
  • Hooked On Murder by Betty Hechtman - the first in a crochet mystery series
  • A reusable box of 10 recycled cards and envelopes titled *Amelia's Trees*. The quote on the inside of the box is from Shakespeare "I will but look upon the hedges and follow you ..."
  • And last, but not least, a small stone trinket box with inlaid flower (made in India)
In addition, each will come with a surprise.

Get to work! Leave your comment. Tell me what you would like. Make a list in order of preference if you wish. I'll pick the names on June 18. The first name will get the gift of their choice and I'll work my way through the list.

Thanks for celebrating with me.

Joy to You!


  1. Aren't you sweet with a generous little giveaway. Fly in the ointment mystery talk indeed. Hooked on Murder would be a fun choice for me, I would love to be included. Thanks Snap! xox Corrine

  2. Whoot! Congrats on your upcoming "blogaversary".

    I have SO enjoyed getting to know you over the past year or so... thank you so much for coming to visit me that first time. :)


  3. Well Happy Blogovesary! It just gets easier, and more addictive as you go, lol.

  4. Happy Happy Blogaversary, Snap ! You have touched so many people with your sweet posts and alos your sweet visits over your time in Blogland. It is a precious thing to come here and I hope it continues for many, many more posts !
    I think my fav among the sweet gifties would be those lovely cards, or the little trinket box. Thanks for the sweet giveaway !
    Big Love to you !

  5. Congrats on your blogiversary!!! What a fun giveaway to celebrate too. The Hooked on Murder or the 12 secrets of creative women would be on the top of my list. COngrats again!

  6. Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, congratulations and my answer is all of the above, hahaha (joke).
    Hey Snap, my photo is not there but I am a subscriber to your feed (RSS), heheheh, I hope its not too technical. But count me me, no preference!

  7. Congratulations Snap!! It's a big milestone (400+ posts is impressive). So glad I could be a part of it. Would love the first three Matthew Shardlake Historical Mysteries by C. J. Sansom- I'm always up for a little mystery and I might need more after I finish The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...

    Tinkle on!!!;)

  8. I missed it! Gah! HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.