Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mosaic Monday

I have a small mosaic today. It's been really hot and humid and we aren't venturing too far from home. I went out into Musashi's Garden (our back yard) and took some shots of what is blooming.

Mosaic of Musashi's Garden

Zinnia, Dianthus and the tomatoes are from our balcony garden. I decided I should take a shot of them before we eat them all up. With the temperature rising, it will soon be too hot for any more tomatoes to *set*. I have another dozen or so on the two plants to pick. There is nothing like a home grown tomato -- so sweet and tasty.

Have a wonderful week!

Joy to You!


  1. What gorgeous colours! And how nice to have tomatoes already. This weekend we had to cover our tomato plant to protect it from spring snow.

  2. Gorgeous! Your tomatoss look amazing. Our plant is thriving but no tomatoes yet. I can't wait til they're looking like yours.

  3. Wonderful photos and beautiful flowers. The tomatoes look delicious!

  4. Put that tomato on a biscuit and oh my, what could be better?

  5. Great mosaic... reminds me of Sesame Street's 'one of these things doesn't belong'. Three pretty flowers and a delicious looking tomato. :)

  6. Such vivid colours in your mosaic. I wish I could help you eat the tomatoes.

  7. Very beautiful and colorful mosaic! The tomatoes look delicious.

  8. Ohhh tomatoes! To early for us here to have them but we've been getting some hot and humid weather too. Asparagus and strawberries available right now. Beautiful flowers you have as well! ~Jeanne

  9. All those different variations on red! The tomatoes look luscious. I miss homegrown!

  10. Beautiful pictures!
    I'm craving a slice of tomato on toast!

  11. I agree there is nothing like a tomatoe still warm from the plant to sink your teeth into, yum! I hope you have a wonderful week and take care.

  12. Haha! Just as I am typing this i got a little pop up that says you just left a message on my blog..

    Soooo here's how cool the internet is.. you are in mine and I in yours so that is sort of like sitting at a cute little table having a cup of tea and learning about one another!

    Such fun

    And ...btw the red are great shots..

  13. Such wonderful colors in your moasic...they just pop! Have a great week.

  14. Beautiful flowers! and how lucky you are to have tomatoes already, they look so good!

  15. What a pretty mosaic of your bounty! ::Jill

  16. What a lovely mosaic! Pretty colors! Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Bright and beautiful mosaic. Gee, I just planted my tomatoes up north here!!!

  18. Those tomatoes look delicious! Love it

  19. Your tomatoes are beautiful, so perfectly ripe. I can just imagine them with a little fresh mozzarella and some cracked pepper and maybe a chiffonade of basil.

  20. Fabulous mosaic. The three different flowers are beautiful.

  21. What a gorgeous palette of colours!

    Our tomatoes finished a long time ago, although we have 2 recalcitrant passionfruit hanging on.

    Garden tomatoes with fresh basil leaves and slivers of baby mozzarella sprinkled with black chunky pepper - yum!

  22. Love this red idea for this mosaic, just great as I love red flowers and tomatoes! :)
    Have a nice Monday
    mommy Léia and little LUna

  23. Oh how I envy you. Tomatoes already. Beautiful mosaic. Thanks for stopping by my post. Blessings

  24. Beautiful, colorful mosaic. I cannot wait for tomatoes from the garden!


  25. dianthus is one of my most favorite flowers. There is a maroon shade that I absolutely love. I had a whole bed of them once - but then we moved to another state and couldn't take them with me! They were the perennial kind - and I have not been able to find them since!

    Love the top left flower too!


  26. Hi Snap,

    You are so right - hard to beat a homegrown tomato - sweet as candy! Love your zinnias too, they always say "summer" to me!


  27. Wowzie such bright colors and tomatos.... Still raining here... watch out I may be knocking at your door. You will recognize me, I am the one dressed in winter clothes holding a umbrella. Happy Memorial Day friend!

  28. Oh my eye went straight to the tomatoes! I'm sure that they are delicious as they look, too.

  29. Homegrown tomatoes are sweet and ripe and I love them! My first time to see dianthus, or maybe I have seen them but did not recognize.

    RYC about Barb, she is so fun and very fit (healthy) and I got to hug LBR!

  30. Lovely flowers and oh I can almost taste the deliciousness of those tomatoes. Valerie

  31. Such a 'hot' little mosaic, glorious colours.

  32. Beautiful mosaic! And those tomatoes look so good.

  33. This may be small but it's very pretty!

    Hot and humid is what it's like here too. Way too early for Ontario, I think. (Your probably thinking the same thing about your area, right?)

  34. Beautiful pictures in your mosaic! I love zinnias & plant them every summer. Have a sweet week!

  35. You must not live in the NW were we worry that the rain will wash away the just planted seeds! Only slightly jealous of your warm weather!
    PS Lovely Post!

  36. I have some of those flowers around here too, but no tomatoes. :( Yours look yummy!

  37. Its no smal mosaic
    I see BIG BIG yummiee tomatoes :-)
    Fantastic post !!!!!
    Lovely flowers ....


  38. Wow, those reds really pop! We had our first home-grown tomatoes just a few days ago so I can certainly second your sentiments on those. Nothing like 'em!

  39. Wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing. :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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