Friday, May 21, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted by the lovely Beth at The Best Hearts Are Crunchy.
Be sure to visit!

This is a postcard from one of my postcard blogging buddies.
I LOVE zinnias and it also reminded me of the wonderful farmer's markets --
all the wonderful produce and flowers and goodies that you find there.

Here's an extra HooRay for Farmer's Markets and organic produce.
Happy PFF!


  1. What a lovely postcard. I love Zinnias too, and those are so vibrant. What a sweet postcard.


  2. Beautiful ! I love zinnias too - nothing does orange like a zinnia !
    Enjoy the blooms today, beautiful Snap.

  3. that's three votes for zinnias! i planted some from some mixed seeds when i lived in the countryside some years ago...they grew so quickly and easily and seeing which colours appeared in different places was a joy! thanks for sharing!

  4. Zinnias are wonderful! Our farmer's market opens up in June. I can't wait!

  5. I'm no gardener, but my wife is, and she's into Zinnias too!

  6. Farmer's markets also encourage local people and businesses, and it cuts downs on transportation costs and emission of greenhouse gasses. win-win all around.
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my PFF post.

  7. I think I bought a card about zinnia not too long ago. Now I feel like I'll have to go look for it.

  8. I can never resist the flower booth, especially when there are tulips or sunflowers. Zinnias are nice too!

  9. Hi Snap, I planted Zinnia seeds before I left CO - I sure hope I see a bit of green when I return!

  10. I am a gardener and this is a beauty!

  11. Beautiful! I wonder if it's too late for me to plant zinnias?


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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