Saturday, May 22, 2010

Camera Critters

I missed last weekend because of thunderstorms in my area.

Today I'll finish with the critters we found on our adventure to the Japanese Garden in Hermann Park.

Turtles Sunning

The turtles were out sunning themselves.


Mallard Ducks

I think the mallards have a nest under the bridge.


And last, but certainly in his mind, not least ... the mockingbird who did not want his portrait done. Too bad!

Happy Critter Day everyone!

Joy to You!


  1. Great photos! I especially love the first turtle shot!

  2. Must be a beautiful park, love the turtles! Great shots.

  3. Me, being another Texan appreciates the beauty of the stubborn Mockingbird [giggles]. I love hearing them in the morning. Well, they sing most all day long around here!!

    Thanks for the visit, and I loved viewing your critter photos. Have a great weekend.

  4. Oh what a lovely did you get that close to the mockingbird? We only have a couple of those here...very seldom I do so love to hear them sing at night! I love the turtles to:) Hugs to you, Sarah

  5. Box turtles are so sweet, we have them too and I love to watch them sun bathe!

  6. Lovely tutles, an impressive size too from tre looks of it. A pity your mockingbird didn't want a portarit but I'm sure you will find a more willing subject soon.

  7. Lovely shots..good capture of the ever busy mockingbird!

    cats of wildcat woods

  8. This looks like a place I could spend HOURS! Great photos.


  9. Great photo's! I know those turtles are not from Seattle area.Rain, rain and more.....

  10. Turtles are fun to watch; the top photo shows some pretty good sized ones. Birds are not easy to capture, and perhaps you're right, the mockingbird is just plain shy of cameras!

  11. That looks like a great place to go to for critter photos! Your captures are wonderful :)

  12. Love those turtles. The one on the rock looks like he's in turtle heaven.

  13. Beautiful creatures of the earth! Your photos are fantastic.

  14. i love how its just the two turtles together. so sweet! and yes i can see they are definently loving the sun.

    My entry is at my Mummy Diaries blog. Thanks :)

  15. Reminds me of the turtles in Central Park- so wonderful.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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