Saturday, May 1, 2010

Camera Critters

Camera Critters is hosted every Saturday by the lovely Misty. Be sure you visit!

Last week Mr. Dragon and I decided to visit the Japanese Garden in Hermann Park.

It was a beautiful afternoon. Little humidity.

On the way to the Japanese Garden we saw a few feathered critters.

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks with Friend

A couple of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks with friend.

Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Black-Bellied Whistling Duck

I have a story for you about the Whistlers. Last year Mom Whistler made her nest in the sculpture garden at the Museum of Fine Arts -- several very long blocks from this lake. When her eggs hatched, several birders at the museum kept an eye on the youngsters and one day were able to capture them and take them to the lake at Hermann Park. They figured Mom could and would fly over, but the youngsters would never make it across the streets to water. I'd like to think that the Whistlers we saw are those same babes all grown up.


Inside the gates of the Japanese Garden we found this little guy.
He has a white tail ... cotton tail perhaps.


This little bunny was smaller than the first. A little family.

More critters in the Japanese Garden next week!

Happy Critter Day!


  1. These are the most beautiful photos I've seen in a long time! LOVE! And such cute animals. I want to be friends with all of them - I bet the birds could totally discuss literature with me. Or chocolate.

  2. I have never heard of or seen Black-bellied Whistling Ducks! How gorgeous they are!
    I see that you also have a family of fur too! Yours are beautiful. Your recent post of the image of Monet's garden brings back memories of my visit there!sigh.

  3. White duck looks very interested in the twins but they they are giving each other that knowing look. 'Here's another chancer bozo duck'

  4. Love the first shot of the three ducks. The whistlers seem to be deciding it the white guy is Ok. Great photos.

  5. Do the Whistler Ducks actually whistle? Mr. Cottontail is not a friend in my garden I am afraid as he eats all my plants. Valerie

  6. Very nice shots. Beautifully done.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  7. Aww - just gorgeous! - and I'd like to think the Whistler ducks are the babes all grown up, too!

  8. LOVE your ducks and bunny photos. The first photo really look like the white duck is coming up to visit with the black-bellied whistling ducks. (And maybe it was!)

  9. All good pics. Top one makes you smile.

  10. Whistler ducks, that is the first I've heard of them, but they are beauties. So graceful looking and look at that one standing on one foot! Colors are incredible too.

  11. Beautiful photos. love the first one the most.And such a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Love the photos of first one the 3 ducks, they're very neat and clean shots.

  13. Hello sweetie, how are you!
    ahhh those little guys at the first shot are having a good converstion, maybe some gossips?LOL
    Cute post and beautiful creatters!
    Have a cool Sunday
    purrs and love
    We love Luna - by Luna

  14. These are great shots but my favourite is the first one I must admit.

  15. Outstanding post! The Whistlers (which I had never heard of until now) are really neat looking ducks! They almost look like velvet! Love this post.

  16. Oh oh oh those ducks are so coooool!! And the bunnies..I do so love the bunnies!!
    Hugs and love, Sarah

  17. I love your pictures. Those birds look like they are having a conversation.

  18. Love your Mosaic Monday post and seeing the photo's of your time at the Japanese Tea House.

    But, I have to comment on the beautiful photos of the ducks. Occasionally I see photos that have amazing clarity and I wonder how you get that kind of shot. Do you have any pointers?

    Kindly, ldh

  19. very nice, i've seen somewonderful photos of japanese gardens over the folks went to japan too.

    i noticed your photos of monet's should check out frau's blog...she lives in germany and was just there and took such pretty photos.

  20. Beautiful ducks and bunny!

  21. Great photos and I enjoyed the story about the Whistling Duck. We don't get those around here.

  22. these are all great, made me smile :! :)

  23. Ducks and bunnies....that definitely says springtime to me. He's such a cute little guy!

  24. I love the first photo, they seems to have such a good time chatting with each other.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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