Friday, April 30, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday: Monet's Gardens

Our hostess for Postcard Friendship Friday is the lovely Beth.
Today Beth celebrates Mother's Day.

I didn't have a Mother's Day postcard, so I thought a visit to France
and Monet's Gardens at Giverny might be nice.
Tulips abound!

Postcard Monet's Gardens

The back of this card reads:
Monet's Gardens at Giverny
A monochromatic island flower bed of soft pink tulips and rose-colored English daisies (Bellis perennis) is planted in front of Monet's house, repeating its color scheme of pink and green.

Pomegranate publishes books of postcards on a wide range of subjects.
You can imagine how lovely "Monet's Gardens at Giverny" is.
Photographs by Elizabeth Murray.

Happy PFF!


  1. Beautiful! I'd like to see it in person one day.

  2. Well, you just made MY day! You called me Lovely Beth. (grin) I adore your postcard and the explanation surrounding those wonderful gardens. Now, these are lovely!

    Happy PFF!

  3. It would be so wonderful to wake up in the morning and have the view. Beautiful.

  4. I have this postcard book too! I have been sending them off through postcrossing. People seem to like getting them.

  5. What a perfect garden this must be. At the moment we only have a huge vase full of pink tulips in the middle of our living room. It was a gift from a visitor we had not seen for a very long time. Happy PFF.

  6. Oh, so lovely - no wonder he painted with such great colors.

  7. My towns roundabouts are filled with displays of tulips at the moment but nothing would be as wonderful as walking through the garden at Giverny. Love the card.

  8. I can see where Monet got some of his inspiration from. These gardens are beautiful.

    Happy PFF!

  9. Our local museum recently had an exhibit of Monet. O.M.G. Such glorious beauty. Did you know that some of his most beautiful paintings of his garden were done when he was nearly blind? It explains the extreme expressionism of the work.

    Thanks for bringing up the memories. :)


  10. Oh I want to go there so bad. I would love a house with those shutters. I am inspired to paint ...oh I go again...

  11. I looked at this and thought, "this could be a postcard", and then I realized, it was! Magical, acutally. Happy Friday.

  12. What gorgeous colors - truly spring !
    Thanks for the eye candy. Happy Friday, Lovely Snap !

  13. I was so fortunate to leave not far away for three years. All my visitors were taken to see the gardens, without fail. That was quite a time ago and I'm feeling the need to go back. This card only makes the feeling stronger. :)

  14. i visited monet's gardens at giverny way back in 1986...they really are was such a thrill to cross the bridges and look out over the lily ponds that inspired his later work.

  15. What a lovely garden... it reminds me of his work. TFS HAPPY PFF!

  16. Ah, just looking at these windows and flowers is calming. Thanks for that! And a happy (belated) PFF!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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