Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Who Says A Dollar Isn't Worth Much?

Who says a dollar isn't worth much? I picked up The Yoga Teacher by Alexandra Gray at Half-Price books for one dollar. It is filled with quirky characters, was the right price and I loved the cover!

"Dissatisfied with her job as a pharmaceutical rep and struggling with the decline of her long-term relationship, Grace, a well-heeled Londoner, uses yoga class to unwind, reflect, and momentarily transcend her earthly dilemmas. While pitching her company’s latest antidepressant to the disarming Dr. James, she is inspired by his plan to study Eastern medicine in Vietnam and decides to quit her job to become a yoga teacher.

After studying at the eccentric White Lotus Foundation in California, Grace returns to London, ready for her new life. But nothing could have prepared her for the motley crew of students she amasses--from the octogenarian industrialist desperate for distraction, the supermodel who indulges yogic aspirations when she tires of kabbalah, to the American film star who uses yoga classes to conceal a scandalous affair. Overwhelmed, Grace soon finds herself relying on her bi-continental correspondence with Dr. James for solace and inspiration, his words hovering above her London life like a sweet promise.

With an eye for the absurdity in every encounter, Alexandra Gray gently skewers our society’s preference for a quick-fix nirvana in this chronicle of one woman’s quest for love and meaning in a world numbed by materialism and psychotropic drugs."

Each chapter starts with a picture and written description of a yoga pose. It is a tale of starting over. Funny. Honest. And the price was more than right!


  1. That sounds like a book I'd like. I'll see if the library has it. That's an even better price....free!

    I love finding bargain books but around here they're few and far between unless I shop online.

  2. Must be the day for books. I went to
    my local thrift and found they were having a half price sale, so two hardcover children's books for 25C each.

    And a beautiful old 1896 book for
    $10. Not quite a buck, but a bargain

    The Alexandra Gray books sounds interesting.


  3. The book sounds very interesting. There is a store here in the city that is called Strand books and it is all used books at super low prices.

  4. Sometimes the books we can get for $1 are the best ones of all!!!!! This one sounds interesting, Snap....


  5. Why thank you knid lady!...and a Merry Xmas to you and yours...Thanks for the book revue, I really felt like reading it after that...sounds great...Hope I can pick it up at the Library...I'm so mean with spending at the moment...LOl...xxx

  6. Now that's a bargain bonanza!!!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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